Topic: FAQ

This Week's Q&A (Talking Hair Loss & Tofu!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions...

Q: What kind of flour do you suggest baking with for a gluten-free diet?

A: There is a great gluten-free flour blend recipe in Everyday Happy Herbivore. I've also heard great things about Bob's Red Mill but have not used it myself. 

Q: How do you exchange sugars — is raw sugar okay, agave syrup, stevia?

A: You can read about sugar substitutes in the back of both of my cookbooks. I don't use stevia, but I …

This Week's Q&A: Thanksgiving Edition Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

This Saturday Q&A is a special Thanksgiving edition! Since September (Yes! September!) rolled around, I've been getting questions about Thanksgiving from what to make to how to survive being plant-based, if you should talk to your family about being plant-based at the dinner table, and more! 

So I've compiled some of the most common questions right here.

1. I'm the only vegan/plant-based eater. What do I do?

I always, always recommend telling a host about your dietary restrictions long before …

This Week's Q&A (Talking Vegan Athletes and Rice Milk) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

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Q: I got Tofutti sour cream, but Dr. McDougall recommends avoiding oils, and this definitely does NOT meet that category. Is there a recipe for sour cream, or a superior product that I could use?

A: I avoid commercial substitutes since they tend to be pretty junky and full of oil. I make my own “sour cream” from tofu (recipe in both cookbooks). 

Q: I noticed that I seem to be getting more canker sores and mouth …

This Week's Q&A: Vegan Condensed Milk, Nutritional Yeast Allergies, Sodium, What Are Cremini Mushrooms, and Organic Food Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions...

Q: What is the reason for not listing sodium in the list of nutrients?

Sodium content varies so dramatically by brand that we can't provide a safe estimate — and I’m not comfortable giving information that isn’t absolutely accurate. For example, if you use a brand different than mine, it could easily be off by 1000 mg. If you have sodium concerns, you should plug everything into a calculator using your specific brands for a safe, ballpark estimate. …

Thanksgiving Meal Ideas Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Holiday FAQ

Thanksgiving is a big holiday for food. 

When you are vegan or plant-based, Thanksgiving (or what some call Thanksvegan or ThanksLiving) can seem a bit overwhelming — What will you make? What will you eat?

Here are Thanksgiving-approved plant-based dishes sure to impress!

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