Topic: FAQ

This Week's Q&A (Talking Oats, Sticking to a Plant-Based Diet, Coconut Flour, Braces & Apps!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

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Q: I have been dancing around the vegan diet for years.  I seem to be good for a few months and then I slowly start sliding back into the SAD diet. It starts off innocently enough, with just a little sushi or a small bit of cheese and then before you know it I'm hitting the drive-thru and ordering pizzas because I'm just too tired to cook dinner. I will be the first person to tell anyone …

This Week's Q&A (Talking Vegan Makeup & Lotion, Kid Lunches, High Altitude Baking, Homemade Flours & Serving Sizes) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

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Q: Desperate for ideas for kids' lunches. I find I send the same thing every day. BORING.  Please help.

A: The family meal plan takes into account kids lunches. We also had a blog post about kids lunches  on the blog. 

Q: I plan on baking some HH desserts when I’m in Colorado visiting my daughter (I am from Florida). Any special high altitude directions?

A: It depends. When I was living in Colorado, I had to …

This Week's Q&A (Talking Buffalo Sauce, Butter & Talking about Plant-based diet with others) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

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Q: Do you have a recipe for buffalo sauce?

A: Buffalo sauce is hot sauce + oil or butter (usually equal parts). Since I don’t use oil or butter, I just use hot sauce :)

Q: Butter, what’s a good replacement? I love it on corn on the cob and Life Balance is loaded with fat... HELP!

A: Earth Balance ( a vegan alternative to butter (and some, but not all, margarines are accidentally vegan), but they’re …

This Week's Q&A (Talking Tempeh & Blogging!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

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salad, rice, and tempeh

Q: What are your feelings on tempeh's high fat content? I know you use it in some of your recipes, so I was curious.

A: I enjoy tempeh from time to time as part of my low-fat, whole foods, plant-based diet — and you're right, you’ll find a few tempeh recipes in HHC and EHH . If you’re looking to lose weight, Dr. McDougall suggests limiting all soy and eating it in small quantities since it’s so …

What to Eat When You're Sick (Comfort Foods) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Once the weather gets cool (and colds start flying around school, church, the office, etc.), I get emails asking what foods would be good to eat if you're sick.

I find this is a very personal question since everyone has their own “comfort foods” and what you can (or should!) eat can depend on the kind of sickness you have. For example, grilled cheese was always a comfort food for Scott, but even the Grilled Cheeze in EHH wouldn't be …


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