Topic: Minimalist

Minimalist Monday: Winter Cleaning (Not Spring! Winter Is The Perfect Time To Minimize) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

"Spring cleaning" is all wrong --- who wants to be inside in the SPRING? (especially after a long, cold, gloomy winter?)

WINTER is the *perfect* time to do your so-called "spring" cleaning.

If you're already cooped up inside, why not make the most of it?

Cleaning (and minimizing) is also a great workout! Especially if you really get down and dirty, cleaning behind and under furniture --- move it around! It's like lifting weights, but with extra upsides! …

Minimalist Monday: How To Build Your Ideal, Zen Life (My New Book) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

As I mentioned last month, I'm writing three books on minimalism this year.

My second book, Minimalist Monday: Decluttering Your Life! Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Toxic Relationships, and Social Chaos to Build Your Ideal, Zen Life!has officially arrived! (You can order it in all electronic forms (PDF, Kindle, Nook, etc) here.)

My goal with this book is to show you there's SO much more to minimalism than just a decluttered home. Sure, it's where my …

Minimalist Monday: Judging Others (Let's Talk About It) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

In case you missed the news, earlier this month I released my first minimalist book (inspired by this very series!) Minimalist Monday: Declutter Your Way to a Zen Home.

This week I'm releasing my second minimalist book, Minimalist Monday: Decluttering Your Life! Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Toxic Relationships, and Social Chaos to Build Your Ideal, Zen Life(pre-order here) and today's topic is a bit of a sneak preview!

Today's topic also came as a …

Minimalist Monday: Decluttering Your Life! Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Toxic Relationships, and Social Chaos to Build Your Ideal, Zen Life (Book 2!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist News

Happy Valentine's Day, Herbies! It's also Lily Bean's birthday!

Seeing that today is all about love and relationships (and the baggage that comes with it), I thought today would be the perfect day to announce my second minimalist book, Minimalist Monday: Decluttering Your Life! Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Toxic Relationships, and Social Chaos to Build Your Ideal, Zen Life.(Out later this month, pre-order it here!)

In my first minimalist book, Minimalist Monday: Declutter Your Way to a …

Minimalist Monday: Virtual Minimalist Declutter Party Challenge Wrap-Up! (See The Amazing Before & After Pics!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

The Virtual Minimalist Declutter Party Challenge was a HUGE success!

Rooms were tackled, drawers were cleaned out, pantries were organized and TONS of items were recycled or donated to charity. It was truly inspiring to see all the pictures that were posted throughout the day! You can check out some of my and fan favorites below (they also include our winners!).

Thank you to everyone who participated! If you were unable to join in on the decluttering fun, I left …


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