Topic: Herbies

Herbies of the Week: Jane & Sophia (they battled Leukemia) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

I met Jane (and learned of Sophia's story) back when I was interviewing parents as part of the Raising Herbie Kids series (you can read part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4). I'm honored to share their story -- and journey! with you today.

HH: Jane, how'd you find your way to a plant-based diet?

I switched to a plant-based diet in June 2012. (Your cookbooks have been a god-send!)My decision to go plant-based …

Herbie of the Week: Jim S. Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Continuing what seems to be a new tradition of couples and families being joint Herbies of the Week (I love it!), our current Herbie of the Week, Jim, is the happy hubby of Monica, a former Herbie of the Week! Woot! 

Anyway, I "met" Jim when I was working on our plant-based guys series (you can read about plant-based guys Part 1 and Part 2) and he immediately won me over when he signed his interview email, "Next time you go …

Herbie of the Week: Lindsay B. ("I lost 50% of myself" — 141 pounds!!!!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Prepare to be BLOWN AWAY (yes, all caps necessary!) by our Herbie of the Week's *incredible* story and transformation. Lindsay B. and I met a little less than a year ago (December 2012) via email, when Lindsay was still working toward her goal.

Her email: My question for you is what is the vegan version of Velveeta cheese? I want it! Oh, now I am down 104.4 from 279.8 to 175.4. Looking at these pics, even my hair is healthier. …

Herbie of the Week: Russ (100 lbs GONE!) — Our 100th Interview! Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week, Russ! After switching to a plant-based diet, he lost 119 pounds and went off ALL of his medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and depression.

I also love that as fate would have it, our 100th interview in this series, lost 100lbs — err excuse me, 119lbs!!!

"Me and a friend this last Lent (Spring 2013), and I was down within 5 lbs of where I am now."

HH: What spurred your change? What …

Herbie of the Week: Elondra Ome Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week, Elondra Ome! Elondra is a great example of one of my favorite mantras: Progress, not perfection. Elondra Ome has also made it her mission to bring healthier eating options on her college campus (and she's made huge strides!) Be inspired by Elonda Ome: she's working every day to become happier and healthier and more plant-based.

"Me sorting through the mesquite pods I harvested, while throwing the 'bad' pods into composting as part of …


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