Cookbook Countdown: 9 Days to Go: Frittata Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

Shortly after my MIL arrived in St. Maarten, she peeked into our fridge and remarked at how much tofu we have. "Yeah, it's kind of a necessity around here... your son is a glutton for tofu." I explained.

"Well, what do you do with it?" she asked. She told me she'd had it deep fried with peanut sauce at a restaurant, and it was alright, but obviously not very healthy.

"OMG! Tofu is the most universal ingredient ever!" I squealed. …

Cookbook Countdown: 10 Days to Go: French Toast Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

I have a fat-free vegan French toast recipe here on HH that I just love (--and it made it into the cookbook!) but I decided to shake things up a little bit and add some "variations" to the original.... like "egg nog" and "gingerbread" for the cookbook.

I served this up to my MIL her first morning visiting us in St. Maarten and although she's generally not a sweets person, especially in the morning -- she really loved this …

Cookbook Countdown: 11 Days to Go: Potato Salad Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

A friend of mine tried to convince me that "potato salad is like meatloaf.... you only like your moms" (and thus, I shouldn't bother trying to make a recipe for my cookbook). I frowned. "That's not really true, is it?" I asked. "Well, have you ever been really happy with any potato salad you ate out? at a deli, I mean?" 

He had a point. Sure I'd had some here and there that were alright... but if you asked …

Cookbook Countdown: 12 Days to Go: BBQ Chop Wrap...err Salad Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

I didn't include a single salad recipe in my cookbook for two reasons. First, there is this awful stereotype that vegans and vegetarians live on salads. Any time someone says something along the lines of "so what do you eat, salads?" I die a little inside. Or even worse, "Of course you can eat here, we have a salad on the menu" because a bowl of iceburg lettuce is so delicious and filling!

So... with a little attitude, I intentionally …

Cookbook Countdown: 13 Days to Go: Enchilada Casserole Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

Remember when I featured the Quick Queso from the cookbook (on day 18) and mentioned we were slightly addicted to it? Well, the addiction continues.

On Tuesday, my MIL flew here to SXM and I needed a quick & easy no-fuss dinner ready when she arrived... the solution, of course, was a casserole.

This Enchilada Casserole comes together in a snap and even though it uses two other recipes: Quick Queso and authentic Enchilada Sauce, you still can have …


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