New To Veganism? These Are The Ingredients You Should Begin To Substitute Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

No matter what reason you decided to introduce Veganism into your life, finding a nutritious balance is important. But what’s more important is that food remains delicious throughout the entire transition. It’s not always that easy to cut off your original palette, especially if it’s taken years to build… Vegan substitutions may take some getting used to, but trust me, you won’t be left dissatisfied.

There are a couple key ingredients that are easily swapped for vegan replacements, but you …

Growing Up Vegan: Tips To Raising Your Kids On A Vegan Diet Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

Since people are still skeptical of veganism and the positive effects that come with it, raising your children in a vegan household can still come attached with a negative connotation. Children aren’t old enough to make decisions on their own, so while one person may think you're helping your child by suggesting a vegan diet, another would disagree.

Some mommys decide to start their vegan lifestyle during their pregnancies. There have been several different accounts that prove the validity …

Fall Off The Wagon? Can't Get Back On? Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

You had been eating healthier, sticking to the meal plans, and seeing progress in your weight loss…

But then something in your life got in the way.

Job change. Stressful life event. Or maybe you just had a really bad week…

Bad habits crept back in…

You start gaining back the weight you lost... I know it can be discouraging.

You might even think if you can't do it PERFECTLY, why bother at all?

You don't have to get it …

Confession: I Solve Hunger By Eating Too Much Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

Do you solve hunger by eating too much?

I had an epiphany and thought you might appreciate it.

We're all familiar with solving hunger by eating too much food. People say "I'm hungry" and then eat half a pan of lasagna as if they want never to be hungry again in their lives.

I feel the same in summer when I walk into a room that's as cold as an icebox. All that AC, they're over-compensating! People are in the …

Quick Vegan Snacks For When You Travel Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Travel

For those of us on the go, it can be difficult to stick to your diet depending on where your travels take you. While people have become more health conscious, there are still strides that need to be made towards always having vegan food readily available.

A difficulty that I've had in the past was keeping up with my diet while I was traveling. Whether you travel by air, road trips, or cruises, it takes a serious toll on your …


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