What can you STOP doing to reach your goal? Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

I want to share a secret with you. 

Every year since 2015...

I’ve resolved NOT to do something.

While everyone else is resolving to lose weight, start working out, read books...

I eliminate.

Here’s why (and how it works for me)

#1 I’m GREAT at quitting

I do it all. You could say I’m a pro.

Might as well use my strengths to my advantage! ;)

It is easier for me to STOP doing something than it is for me …

10 Signs You Need a Detox Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

How do you know if your body (and mind) needs a detox?

To honor my body, I try to do a detox every couple of months, even if I don’t think or feel like I need it before starting.

It always becomes clear to me by Day 2 that I was not living as optimally as I thought I was and I definitely DID need a reset.

From low-grade anxiety, to irregular BMs, to the sniffles, or head fog, a …

7 Simple Ways to Beat the Christmas Bloat (+ 3 Last-Minute Holiday Recipes) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

Let’s be honest: we all tend to indulge a little during the holiday season.

There are so many good treats around the office and ugly sweater parties!! (TBH, I love wearing ugly Christmas sweaters).

If you’re like me, extra indulgence (or overeating) can come at a price. I start to feel bloated and distended from all the extra treats and rich foods.

It got so bad one year I had to unbutton my pants after Christmas dinner. (Thankfully I was …

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Detoxing Your Body & Mind Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

Every year, I like to take a few days to honor my body and mind with a short detox program.

This year, I’m inviting you to join in!

Detoxing can help you lose weight, improve your energy levels, and start the new year off strong.

But I know it can also be a bit confusing, especially if you are just getting started with making lifestyle healthy changes.

So what exactly is a detox? And how can it help you live …

Can’t eat beans or lentils? 8 ways to replace them (+ bean-free refried beans, bean-free hummus recipe) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

“Your recipes look great, but I cannot eat beans or lentils because of a digestive issue (Dr. recommended diet). What could replace these ingredients if I sign up for your meal plans?”

OMG, do I feel you on that.

In the last three years both my husband and I had periods where we couldn’t eat beans or lentils.

Fortunately, we’ve healed our guts and improved our digestion enough to be able to eat most beans and lentils now, though there …


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