Topic: Herbies

Herbie of the Week: Pamela B. Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Our Herbie of the Week, Pamela, came to me by way of another Herbie, Sheila, who Pamela credits the bulk of her success to. (WTG Sheila too!). What I love so much about this story isn't just Pamela's incredible progress (she lost 74lbs!) but how — with Sheila's help and love — Pamela got her health back. A true tale in the power of leading by example and building each other up to be our best selves (which I'm always trying …

Talia & Jacob Herbie of the Week Update (Kid Edition)! Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

How is it already September? This year just keeps pickin' up speed! 

And speaking of years,Talia and Jacob were our Herbies of the Week a year ago (in August 2012!) 

Their super awesome mama (who guest posted recently on being a minimalist with kids) asked me if I'd like to do an update on the kiddos' progress. 

Of course I wanted to bring those adorable munchkins back on the blog, but her suggestion got the …

Herbie of the Week: Ginnie Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week, Ginnie! An RN, Ginnie was alarmed when she saw her own lab work just before her second hip replacement surgery (at 53!). Obese, pre-diabetic, with high blood pressure and feeling awful: Ginnie knew it was time for a change. Today Ginnie has lost 48 lbs, is no-longer pre-diabetic or obese, and is tapering off her blood pressure medications!

My Herbie Journey

As a registered nurse married to an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, I have worked in the …

Herbie of the Week: Debbie M. Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week, Debbie M.!Debbie suffered through years of unexplained pain and health complications and ended up being diagnosed with MS. Since making the switch to a plant-based lifestyle, Debbie's MS complications have greatly reduced — and so has her waistline! She has lost 55 pounds, no longer needs medication, and has inspired her family to go plant-based with remarkable results as well. Be inspired! Here is Debbie's amazing Herbie story, in her own words.

I have …

Herbie of the Week: Carol F. Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week, Carol F.!Carol made the switch to plant-based at age 75 and has a healthy relationship with food for the first time in her life. Carol no longer needs 3/4 of the medication she was previously on, and she has lost pounds and inches. Carol proves that it's never too late to change, and she's looking forward to her longer and healthier life!

HH: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I will start …


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