Topic: Herbies

Herbies of the Week: Judith & Fran Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet 2014's first Herbies of the Week: Judith and Fran!

Purely motivated by weight loss, the two went plant-based after discovering "The Starch Solution" by Dr. McDougall and haven't looked back! Not only have they lost a combined 80lbs (WOW!), they also lowered their cholesterol, and Fran is now off half of his blood pressure and heart medications.

It just goes to show you, it's never too late to change your life!

I am Judith and my husband …

Herbies of the Week: A Look Back At All The Inspiring Stories of 2013! Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

It has been an incredible (incredible!) year. So many people are changing their lives thanks to a plant-based diet. We had so many AMAZING stories in 2013, and I already have more inspiring stories lined up for 2014! Lives are changing!

Here's a look back on all of our 2013 Herbies of the Week!!!

Brenda lost 35 pounds and lowered her cholesterol, but also slowed the progression of ALS (Lou Gherig's) disease thanks to her plant-based diet.

Daniel lost 40 …

Herbie of the Week: Kaley (and Family!) - Changing Children to a Plant-Based Diet Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

This beautiful (and honest!) email came in from Kaley, about all the amazing benefits her family (particularly her little ones!) have experienced since going plant-based. Kaley and her husband were barely in their 20s, and feeling horrible -- wretched with insomnia, exhaustion, chronic pain, depression, severe anemia, ulcerative colitis diabetes, eczema and they were borderline overweight, just to name a few of their troubles. Their kiddos also suffered numerous "bad" behaviors like moodiness, irritability, being anti-social, temper tantrums... and it …

Herbie of the Week: Christy Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet this week's Herbie of the Week, Christy!

Christy emailed me earlier this year about her amazing plant-based journey and I asked if she would be interested in sharing it for our Herbie of the Week series.

Luckily she said yes, and I'm glad she did, because her story is truly inspiring!

I've struggled with my cholesterol since high school. Most doctor's told me it was hereditary and since my father has heart disease, I believed that. During 2004, I …

Herbie of the Week: Peggy Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Peggy! Since adopting a plant-based diet Peggy lost 45 pounds (in four months!), lowered her blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, and most importantly: she no longer has chronic constipation -- a problem she'd suffered for years. (She even had half her colon removed previously because of the chronic constipation!)

I am 52 years old, and most of my life I suffered from weight issues and chronic constipation. I knew the weight could be dealt …


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