Topic: Advice

10 Reasons I'm a Plant-Based (Vegan) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice Popular

Any time I'm speaking -- whether it's at a conference or I'm on a podcast/radio show -- someone invariably asks me what made me go vegan or what motivated me to follow a plant-based diet.

The truth is what motivated me to adopt a vegan/plant-based diet isn't nearly as compelling as why I've maintained a vegan/plant-based diet for almost 6 years.

I'm not embarrassed to admit that my initial reason for adopting a vegan diet was rooted in vanity: I …

The Greatest Gift Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

For as long as I can remember, I've been an organ donor. Even before I was old enough to make this decision for myself legally, I expressed my feelings to my parents. 

I can't really explain it beyond this:I've always felt this compulsion to give everything that I've got and when I'm gone, the last gift I can give is my body. Salvage what you can, send the rest to science. Let my death have meaning beyond my life.  …

10 Things You Didn't Know About Me Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

I've seen these going around on blog awards and I thought I'd join in on the fun!

1. I am adopted, even though I look like every family member.

2. I have to watch TV while I write recipes to keep myself from going insane or OCD-crazy. I often end up watching really bad reality TV because other shows suck me in too much and I forget I'm cooking.

3. There are a lot of inside jokes and little hints …

Smoking Isn't Okay, But Junk Food Is? Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

A Herbie sent this email in:

"I was at a deli picking up some lunch with my buddies. As I waited for my veggie sandwich, one of my buddies had started a conversation with another customer. I am not sure what started the conversation, but the next thing I know my buddy points to me and tells her, "He's vegan." She looks at me and asks me if this is true, and I say, "Yes."

She then goes on to …

Newly Vegan Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

I've been getting a few emails and messages lately along these lines:

* I went 100% plant-based last week. I have more energy and feel great except I feel bloated, have gas and sometimes my stomach really hurts. What gives?

* I went vegan, but I feel really tired, I thought I was supposed to be full of energy? I'm also HUNGRY.

* I'm happy I cleaned up my diet and eat whole foods, but the cravings for junk are …


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