Topic: Series

Part 2: Meet Our Plant-Based (Vegan) Guys: A Look at Men's Perspective & Experience Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series

We're closing in on Father's Day and continuing this week's focus on the awesome plant-based men in our community! This is the second part in my interviews with these fantastic plant-based fellas, who share their experiences so honestly (you didn't miss Part 1, did you?). 

[Editorial Note: The years behind each name indicate how long the guy has been plant-based. For those who were vegetarian before vegan, I combined for a total number of years — but Sean O. …

Part 1: Meet Our Plant-Based (Vegan) Guys: A Look at Men's Perspective & Experience Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series

Father's Day is coming up, and as I mentioned in my Dad's guest post a couple of days ago, we are featuring the awesome plant-based/vegan guys out there this week.

I always find it interesting that people don't ask if Scott (my husband) is vegan/plant-based... they just assume he isn't.

"What?" eyes popping out of their head, "Your husband is vegan too?" Some will even say things like, "Are you sure?" and ask him "Do you …

Raising Herbies (Part 3): Vegan/Plant-Based Pregnancies, Formula, Doctors & More Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Parents Herbies Series

This is the final post in this week's 3-part Raising Herbies series. Check out Raising Herbies (Part 1): How to Raise Vegan/Plant-Based Kids, Transitioning Diets & More and Raising Herbies (Part 2): Getting Kids to Eat Healthy for more great tips from our amazing Herbie Parents.

Perhaps slightly out of biological order ;) today's Part 3 post focuses on pregnancy, breast feeding, and early childhood. 

Were you plant-based (vegan) before your pregnancy?

"Four months after I had made the …

Raising Herbies (Part 2): Getting Kids to Eat Healthy Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Parents Herbies Series

So we've talked about raising kids vegan since birth, transitioning kids to a plant-based diet, and handling social situations in Part 1 and now we're sharing tips and tricks for getting kids to eat their veggies!

Before I let the Herbie Parents chime in, here are some experiences I have had with my nieces, nephews and friends' kids.

First, it's important to remember that all kids are different. Anyone who guarantees a recipe is kid-friendly is a little too optimistic in …

Raising Herbies (Part 1): How to Raise Vegan/Plant-Based Kids, Tackling Social Situations, Transitioning Diets, Pediatricians & More Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Parents Herbies Series

In honor of Mother's Day, this week I'm having a three-part serieson raising vegan kiddos. As a Daddy's girl, I want to say I know that Dads are great parents too and like many moms, some dads do it alone (kudos to all the parents out there!). I opted to run this series this week because most of the people who ask me about raising vegan kids, breast-feeding and vegan pregnancy are usually mamas :)

Since I am not …


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