Topic: Advice

Dealing With Negativity from Family & Friends Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice FAQ

Dealing with negativity, a topic that unfortunately never goes away. Whether you are just starting something new or have been doing it for years, the negativity from others is still there. It isn't limited to following a plant-based (vegan) diet, it can be any change or belief in your life.

While there are friends and family who are supportive of your decision, there will be some that give you a hard time or make you feel bad about your choices. …

My Transition to Whole Foods Posted by:Courtney Hardy Category: Advice

Hi Herbies. It's Courtney again. I thought I would write a post on how I went from just being plant-based to eating whole, fresh foods. Since Lindsay has been away all weekend & we just got over 2 feet of snow, hopefully she is too busy snowboarding to see this and see how much processed foods I was eating before (I doubt it though).

I was a processed plant-based food junkie. While making the switch to a plant based diet …

Build Them Up (Why I'm not a Skinny Bitch) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

I admit, the book Skinny Bitch was an integral part of why I adopted a plant-based diet. I was newly plant-based when I read the book and if I'm completely honest with myself, it helped me stay plant-based -- it solidified my choice and gave me more reasons to do what I was doing. 

The book, however, had far-reaching effects -- well beyond helping me stay committed to my new lifestyle. I became a "bitch." In the first year I …

Combating Anecdotal Evidence Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice FAQ Minimalist

I recently attended a vegan night at my local library. The club had reviewed various vegan cookbooks and brought dishes in. One woman brought a dish in that included bacon and cheese, and when I politely declined, she got angry.

"What this isn't vegan enough for you?" she griped. I said, "well it isn't vegan at all, but I don't eat bacon or cheese, sorry."

She got deeply offended (not my intention) and laid into me about how butter and …

Begone Negativity, Focus on the Positive Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice FAQ Minimalist

We're having a "challenge" at HH HQ! This week we can only discussgood things with each other; we're making an effort to focus on the positives and in the event something negative happens, we have to find the silver lining -- we have to find a positive in the negative.

For example, if we get a customer service complaint, we can't focus on the negativity, rather we must be thankful for the feedback that allows us to grow and …


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