Vegan Smokey Black Bean & Tofu Enchiladas Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

This recipe is courtesy of my husband Scott, who could eat Mexican food at every meal for a week straight and still want more. Thus, it was no surprise to me that he whipped up enchiladas when it was his turn to cook. I can't remember why I bought liquid smoke, but ever since I've had it, Scott's been on a mission to slip it into our food every chance he's got. Tonight he added it to our basic enchilada …

Inca or Aztec Corn Soup Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

I'd never heard of quinoa until I was vegan and quite frankly, I still pronounce it incorrectly half of the time. I've read enough veg magazines and cookbooks to know quinoa is good for me and I've done a pretty good job at incorporating it into my regular diet. I was recently introduced to amaranth, which is a close relative to quinoa, only smaller.

quinoa v amaranth

Quinoa & Amaranth

Like quinoa, amaranth is a complete protein source and chocked full of important …

A Note from my Mom Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice
Just returned from a great visit with our daughter in CA.  I must say as a proud Mom the food was fantastic. Starting with fresh squeezed  OJ, to   Fat-Free Blueberry Breakfast Cake, onto a dinner of Chickpea Cakes Piccata and topped off with Almost Fat-Free Chocolate Cherry Cheese Cake and later on a sample of her Fat-Free Vegan  Ice Cream all of which to die for.  I have to say she is my "TOP CHEF".

Aww! Thanks Mom!

Low Fat Vegan Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

If you loved my traditional almost fat-free cheesecake recipe, you're in for a real treat with this variation! For starters, I used chocolate gram crackers for the crust. I pulsed them in my food processor until they were a consistency similar to bread crumbs. Then mixed the gram crack crumbs with about 8 tbsp of unsweetened applesauce. I poured the batter into my greased pie pan and baked it at 350F for 8 minutes. It smelled so heavenly.

cherry chocolate cheesecake

As …

Whole Wheat Fat-Free Vegan Blueberry Breakfast Cake Recipe Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

My parents are visiting from the East coast and I wanted to make something for breakfast that was easy, comforting and would last the duration of their stay. Well, the cake only survived one breakfast, but that's okay because my parents absolutely loved this cake! 

My Dad even made a comment in the afternoon about how good breakfast was. Now that's a compliment! You could easily add a crumb topping to this cake to make it more reminiscent of "coffee" …


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