Herbie of the Week: Kathy (Plant-Based & Pregnant with Twins!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Kathy!

After Jesse shared her pregnancy experience as our Herbie of the Week, Kathy left a comment on Facebook about how she too was plant-based while pregnant. The only difference? She was pregnant with TWINS!

I immediately asked if she would be interested in sharing her plant-based pregnancy and I was so happy that she said yes!

Read on for Kathy's story!

My husband and I began trying to create our family in …

Plant-Based (Vegan) on a Cruise (Guest post by Stephanie!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Travel Guests

It's summer, which means many herbies will be packing their bags and hitting the road, sky, or sea (for travel tips and help, there's a huge (HUGE!) section in The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living).

Cruises are always a popular vacation choice, especially this time of year. Scott and I actually went on a cruise back in 2007. I made sure to contact the cruise ahead of our trip to tell them about our dietary restrictions and they …

Asian Tofu Salad Sandwiches, Sweet & Sour Cauliflower, Creamy Garlic Pasta & More! Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: MealPlan

If you're looking to add some excitement back into your meals, then you've gotta try this week's meal plan!

The Peach Salsa, Black Bean & Quinoa Bowl (NEW!), Sweet & Sour Cauliflower (NEW!), Asian Tofu Salad Sandwiches (NEW!), and Creamy Garlic Pasta (NEW!)are all insanely delicious and sure to be crowd (as well as tummy) pleasers!

Dig in!

Creamy Garlic Pasta

Individual Highlights

  • Creamy Garlic Pasta (NEW!)
  • Strawberry Lemonade Oatmeal (NEW!)
  • Spinach Love Wraps
  • Sweet …
Herbie of the Week: Suzanna (From Bodybuilder to Plant-Based Tennis Champ!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week: Suzanna!

A couple months ago I received an email from Suzanna about how she went from a meat-eating Ms. Natural Olympia bodybuilder to a plant-based tennis playing champion and educator.

As soon as I read that, I just had to ask her to be part of the Herbie of the Week series!

I'll let Suzanna take it away...

I am a former Ms. Natural Olympia drug-free bodybuilding champion. Bodybuilders believe in eating a lot …

A Vegan Taste of Nice, France & Monaco (South of France) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Travel

As you may have heard, I'm in France this summer.

We flew to Nice after a quick excursion in Boston and brief layover in Montreal.

When I tell people I'm going to France or living in France (or doing anything that involves France) the first response is: "You can't be vegan there", which is simply untrue.

There's a growing "counter culture" (If I can call it that) in Paris -- a strong, growing group of vegans... along with wonderful …


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