Topic: Herbies

Herbie of the Week: Aubrey C. Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet our Herbie of the Week, Aubrey C.! Aubrey is a busy high school student athlete who was nominated by her mother (and fellow Herbie!). Although she had been vegetarian since 8th grade, she has experienced awesome benefits since going plant-based. She keeps breaking her track and cross country personal records and "love love loves" being a Herbie!

"Me, right after the half marathon this year"

HH: Hi Aubrey! Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi! My name is …

Herbie of the Week: YOU! Happy Thanksgiving (Thanksliving!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Happy Thanksgiving or should I say, Happy Thanks-Living!

Even though I tend to make this day about food (a lot of food!), I always like to take a moment to really meditate on what I'm thankful for.

My health.

The health of my family and friends.

The health of my Herbies.

My Herbies in general...

...and so on.

My Dad ("Papa Herbivore") also emailed this in to share with you today:


Be thankful that you don't already have …

Herbies of the Week: Where Are They Now? Carolyn, Dana, Jim, Cindy and Robin - A Year (or Two!) Later Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

I think my crowning achievement on this blog has been the Herbies of the Week series, which I look forward to every Thursday!

This series started two years ago (back in 2011) and I'm always in awe, inspired, and touched, when I think about all the different people and their amazing stories, that have been shared here every week.

I've decided to start reaching out to our past Herbies of the Week to see where they are today, a year …

Herbie of the Week: Sally (she beat late-stage ovarian cancer!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Sally left the following comment on Pamela B.'s Herbie of the Week interview:

As an ovarian cancer survivor, I can attest to the power of low-fat, plant-based foods to prevent, and even reverse, cancer progression, especially for women's cancers.

Of course I immediately emailed Sally and asked her to share her story with us.


My journey in discovering the power of eating whole, plant-based foods:

My "wake-up call" came shockingly and abruptly—in August 2007, I was diagnosed with late-stage …

Herbie of the Week: Scott C Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

I was so excited to see this tweet from Scott, "PLANT BASED DIET HAS CURED MY HEART DISEASE (Ventricular Tachycardia) NO MORE BETA BLOCKING MEDS FOR ME!! :)

Of course as soon as I read it, I asked him to interview as HOW :)

HH: Tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Scott Conley and I was raised as a carnivore. A trip to Burger King or McDonald's with my dad, who died of heart disease, was …


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