Topic: FAQ

Ask Happy Herbivore: 5 Questions Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

I've been keeping track of all your great questions so I can answer them on the blog. Here are the latest!

Question 1: Is white wine vinegar vegan?

I’m no wine expert, but I reached out to the folks at Barnivore who said white wines tend to be vegan, but not all. Whether or not a white wine vinegar is vegan then, would depend on if the wine used to make the vinegar was vegan in the first place. I …

What is Honey? The Vegan Debate (& My Beliefs) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ Popular

Earlier today I received an email from someone asking my opinion on honey and I thought I'd share my answer in a blog post. Honey, it seems, is a hot topic among vegans; one that's constantly debated, often with a good bit of fervor! 

That said, I don't know that there is a single answer or an answer that's suitable for everyone. My own feelings are complicated and conflicting, and I admit I'm a little nervous to share them.

[ …

Eat This. Not That: 10 Rules for Making Healthy Choices Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

My Dad has been after me to write him a list of rules to follow -- to make sure he was always making healthy choices when dining out (or making a meal at home). Well, Dad, I finally did it!

10 rules for Making Healthy Choices:

1. Order brown rice instead of white rice.

2. Pack carrots instead of chips in your lunch.

3. Choose whole wheat bread instead of white bread.

4. Use low-fat or fat-free (plain, unsweetened) vegan …

How cheap knives endanger your digits Posted by:Scott Nixon Category: FAQ Video

I've cut my fingers dozens of times with cheap kitchen knives. 

How many times do you think I've cut myself with a good chef's knife? 

Once. An it was because I let the knife get too dull.

Cheap knives have flexible blades and are generally harder to cut with. You much more likely to slip and cut yourself if you don't have a proper knife.

I really trust a chef's knife to slice through the veggies. When I use cheap …

Ask Happy Herbivore: Protein Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Question: I strength train pretty intensely and am supposed to have 20-25g protein every three hours. I’ve tried the low sugar soy protein and it makes me gag. I can’t eat beans that often...suggestions?

**This is not medical advice. Talk to your doctor before changing your diet.**

I used to be a personal trainer (true! fun fact!) I don’t know the specifics of your body, or your work out program, but 20-25g of protein every three hours isa lot …


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