Topic: BookClub

Book Club - The Pleasure Trap (week 1) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: BookClub

As I mentioned earlier in the week, I've started a virtual book club (you can also join in on goodreads). 

The book we're reading this month is The Pleasure Trap by Doug Lisle.

This Week's Thought Questions:

1. Do you see the motivational triad at play in all aspects of your life?

2. Do you agree that all creature's bodies and minds are designed for survival and reproduction?

Please leave your thoughts below or join the discussion at goodreads.

Don't worry …

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Book Club Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: BookClub

There are so many great books I want to read about health, wellness, nutrition and beyond. I keep thinking back to how much I enjoyed being part of the book club in my local library and how fun it is to talk about books I'm reading with others, that I thought I'd start an online book club with my friends at Engine 2, the Herbies and anyone else who wants in on the fun!

Each month we'll be reading a …


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