Topic: Herbies

Herbie Of The Week: Erika Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet Erika. After having 2 kids, Erika was able to lose 60 pounds and get rid of all her headaches and has so much more energy!

HH: You've been a long-time lacto-ovo vegetarian. Tell us about that. 

I remember saying two years ago that I could never follow a plant-based diet, because I loved cheese too much. I had been a vegetarian for seven years and grew up in home where my Grandmother made vegetarian meals. 

HH: I find …

Herbie Of The Week: Kevin Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

I met Kevin at Farms 2 Forks, and the first thing I noticed about him (other than his charming and friendly demeanor) was his glow. 

Anyway, Kevin and I quickly became friends and when he told his story to the crowd at the farm later that day, I was moved to tears. "You really are an inspiration!" I told him as we hugged and parted. 

The next day, Kevin emailed a picture of me we took together and I …

Herbie of The Week: You Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

 Happy Thanksgiving or should I say, Happy Thanks-Living!

Even though I tend to make this day about food (a lot of food!), I always like to take a moment to really meditate on what I'm thankful for. 

My health.
The health of my family and friends.

The health of my Herbies.
My Herbies in general...

...and so on. 

There's so much I am thankful for — so much we're all thankful for — and in light of this day and giving thanks, this …

Herbie Of The Week: Dana Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet Dana. As Dana's 50th Birthday approached (I know! She doesn't look it!), she decided to get into shape — and thought she had until her blood work came back. After a shocking discovery, Dana went plant-based and changed her life!

HH: What motivated you to make a change?
In January of 2011, as I approached my 50th birthday, I decided it was time to lose some weight and get in shape. So I started working out at the gym …

Herbie Of The Week: Carolyn Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Meet Carolyn, our lovely Herbie of the Week!

HH: How did you hear about a plant-based diet? And what was the deciding factor, i.e. why did you make the change?

I'm going to give a bit of back story before I totally answer the question. About a year and a half ago, I was sitting in a Thai restaurant shoveling chicken pad Thai into my mouth. My mom was talking about a couple that had been diagnosed with stage four …


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