Topic: FAQ

Grain-Free Vegan (Substitutions for Grains) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Lately I've been getting several emails asking if you can be plant-based (vegan) if you can't have grains.

The short answer is yes. You don't *have* to eat grains, but they are certainly a healthy option if you can include them.

(For more info on all the different kinds of grains, their cooking time, etc. see my "15 Great Grains" post.)

One of my meal plan clients can't have grains, and her easy solution is to put everything over …

How YOU Can Stay Plant-Proud (My Top 5 Tips) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Whether you've been a Herbie for years, or you just made the switch for your New Year's resolution, we can all use a reminder on how to stay plant-proud.

Here are my "Top 5 Tips" to keep in mind while you continue to navigate your plant-based journey.

Don't forget: it's about progress, not perfection. Focus on making the best choices for YOU!

1. Remember it's about YOU. Not them. This is YOUR health. and YOUR life. Your job is to …

This Week's Q&A: Substituting Fresh Ingredients for Dry Spices & Herbs, Cooking without Oil, Substituting Applesauce, White Whole Wheat Flour & Food Processors Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions...

Q: If a recipe calls for onion flakes, can I sub granulated onion powder or fresh onion?

A: It would depend on the recipe. For example if you were making a cheese sauce, such as with HH mac n cheese, you wouldn't want to use fresh onion because mac n cheese sauce shouldn't have chunks of onion.

Q: What is white whole wheat flour? I only have whole meal flour or white flour.

A: See this …

This Week's Q&A: Hypoglycemia, Parkinson's Disease, Bacterial Vaginosis, eBooks, and Split Peas Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions....

Q: I'm going to make your Thai Pineapple Curry in HHA- just wondering if the lite coconut milk it calls for is "coconut milk beverage" or the type in the can?

A: Any time I call for coconut milk, I mean the kind in the can. Not the "beverage" like soy milk, almond milk, etc. Enjoy!

Q: My mother has begun asking me questions about the plant-based (vegan) diet, but because she has hypoglycemia, she …

Top 5 Vegan Myths Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Here are the top "vegan myths" I see floating around online -- or come my way via email. I also find these are the excuses people often give why they can't be plant-based. (Be honest, you know it's an excuse ;)

And no protein myth listed! (I think I've address that enough, if you haven't had your fill, you can read this post about vegan protein)

1. A Vegan Diet is Expensive / You have to Be Rich

I …


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