Topic: Minimalist

Minimalist Monday: One Piece of Advice We All Need Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

When I was flying from Chicago back to Los Angeles, I picked up the October edition of The Oprah Magazine in the airport. I never read this magazine so I'm not sure what it was that made me want to buy it, but I'm glad I did! My favorite article was "May We Help You?" by Martha Beck. 

The article boasted 5 pieces of advice that everyone ignores but shouldn't. Beck wrote, "We go through life generally getting good …

Minimalist Monday: How to Follow Your Dreams Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

When I was flying to Chicago a few weekends ago, I struck up a conversation with my airplane neighbor who, as it turns out, changed careers like I had. Our conversation was long and perhaps even a little self-serving, but the one comment that stayed was me was this: 

"I find people who were lawyers, but then go on to do something else, are always really successful. I'm not saying it's the legal education or knowledge -- but it takes so …

Minimalist Monday: It's an Investment, Not a Waste of Time Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

I overheard a conversation between a mother and her teenager in the waiting room of my dentist office that made me rethink the concept of "a waste of time." 

The teenager was saying something we've all said: "WHY do I have to study algebra? I'll never use this!" (or maybe substitute "algebra" for another subject you didn't care for.) 

I've certainly felt that way at times -- both in high school, and college and even law school (i.e. "WHY are they …

Fan Features! Waffles and Pizza! Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

I love seeing what HH fans cooked up during the week!

@NearlyVeganDC sent us this picture of the Mediterranean Pizza from last week's meal plan.

Giselle sent us this picture of the waffles from Happy Herbivore Abroad-  newsletter subscribers got a sneak peek of the recipe (make sure you subscribe - we might have another peek coming up!)

@VeggieFy sent in this picture of the Teriyaki Chickpeas.

Becky posted on Facebook : "As I went to put …

Minimalist Monday: Pantry & Spice Rack Organization Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

This question bubbled up on Facebook . 

"I'm sure you have a ton of spices. How do you keep them organized?"

I don't know that I have that many. Compared to my one friend's house (who is proud that she has basil, in addition to salt and pepper!) I suppose I have quite a few but in comparison the the wall of spices at the grocery store, I'm way understocked. 

Anyway, I have about 20 spices; but use the same core group …


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