Topic: Series

How I Stay Plant-Proud: Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually, Physically & Socially Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series Popular

[Editorial correction: this post was accidentally published originally with pictures of another Lindsay (not me) due to a file error with our system. Those pictures have been removed - sorry for any confusion]

Recently, I gave a lecture on "being plant-based in a non-plant-based world." I asked my audience members what concerns they had — what worried them? I was surprised how much of it was social or internal. They weren't worried about finding a place to eat at nearly as …

My Life as a Public Figure: The Good, Bad, and Being Called Ugly. How Happy Herbivore has Changed Me. A Brutally Honest Memoir Post. Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series Popular

I have friends that dream of stardom (to be fair, I live in Los Angeles) and although I like attention (am I not supposed to admit that?) and I have always been a bit of a social butterfly (I'm the hub, not a spoke, as my husband says), I never looked at actresses, actors, or media personalities and thought, "Yes! I want THAT!" 

I never dreamt of fame. Dreamt of being rich, sure, (don't we all fantasize about winning the …

College Herbies Series (Part 3): Meet Jamee (HH's Intern!) + Her Recipe for Tofu Bacon! Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series

Before I get to today's blog post, here's one last reminder for my Ohio-area Herbies that I'm in Athens this weekend! (Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8) A few tickets still remain, so it's not too late to come see me for food and fun! I can't wait to meet all of you :)


Now, meet Jamee! HH's Fall Intern! Although Jamee neglected to put this in her cover letter ;) I met Jamee last year at …

College Herbies Series (Part 2): The College Greens (Engine 2 Interns Dish it Up!) Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series

You known them as The College Greens — Engine 2's interns! I pulled Tara, Craig & Jenna away from kale just long enough to ask them a few questions about livin' the (plant-based) vida loca in college!

HH: So I have to ask, how did you find out about a plant-strong diet and then adopt it? I find most teens and college coeds I talk to are living on pizza, french fries, fast food and soda pop. (I know I …

College Herbies Series (Part 1): How to Stay (and Eat) Healthy When You're Busy Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Series

After last week's Back to School theme (get ideas for on the go healthy snacks, how to build awesome vegan sandwiches and vegan lunchbox ideas), this week we're headed off to college with guest posts by Herbie coed's! They'll be dishin' up tips on how to stay healthy in college (or even if you're just super busy!) 

First up: Melissa!

Melissa's big secret for staying healthy with a crazy coed schedule? She preps ahead! This is something I …


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