This Week's Q&A (Talking food prep, road trips, eating out & more)

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions, I've got answers!

1. What foods are good to prep and freeze before a holiday?

Most anything can be prepped ahead and stored in the fridge. I don't like to freeze anything - I find it always changes the texture. Plus I've never really had freezer space. With holidays and such, I do the prep work a few days ahead so I'm just shoving things into the oven or heating them on the stove. They're still cooked or baked fresh, rather than reheated, but the legwork is done in advance.

2. What can I take to eat on road trips? I have kids.

We always bake a batch or two of HH muffins, ingredients for PB&J, fresh fruit, bean burritos, trail mix, the granola bars p. 23 in Everyday Happy Herbivore . If we're stopping overnight at a hotel, soup. Though you can heat soups in most gas stations. I've also heard great things about McDougall's Right Food soup mixes. I think you just add water.

3. Are dried beans susceptible to pesticides?

Organic dried beans should be pesticide free. If it's not organic, anything goes -- it would probably depend on the brand.

4. What are some tips for eating out?

See my post on traveling and eating out.

5. What do you feed your dogs?

The pugs are on a homemade vegan diet, which I talk about here . There are also plenty of vegan and vegetarian kibbles on the market -- like Vdog

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