Inspirational Interview: Beth

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

The Inspirational Interviews series is back this week with a sassy business woman who (get ready for it!) used happy herbivore recipes to meet her health, weight and fitness goals!

Six weeks ago Beth emailed me saying she wanted to lose a little bit of weight and she was only going to eat recipes from to do it!

I was so flattered and honored I didn't know what to say other than "hey! if it works, you, like, need to let me interview you!"

HH: So Beth, what spawned this idea of yours--to lose weight with happy herbivore recipes ?

Beth: I reached a point where I physically was not matching how I felt mentally or spiritually. I found myself eating the same boring things or skipping meals entirely because I had lost interest in food as fuel, and nutrition as a vehicle for feeling optimally.

HH: Before your... happy herbivore diet (shall we say) what was your diet like?

Beth: I was a convenience food vegan. I ate a lot of vegan pre-packed foods from the local co-op (which were sneaky vegan calorie bombs smothered in rich sauces or infused with a hefty amount of oil to keep it from drying out when reheated). I also skipped meals a lot.

HH: You've been eating a la happy herbivore for six weeks now. Mind us asking how much weight you've lost?

Beth: I have currently lost 34 pounds eating happy herbivore recipes in conjunction with yoga and an intense weight training routine at the gym.

HH: Like many of us, you've attempted weight loss before--was this time (with happy herbivore recipes) easier, harder about the same?

Beth: I've attempted weight loss many times before but my focus on the dietary aspect changed this time around as did my need to become more intense and diverse in my workouts since I passed the age-30 barrier. A vegan diet alone isn't a guarantee of weight-loss, as one look down the dairy-free "ice cream" aisle can attest, but with a common sense method of the carb-protein-fat combination as well as a reasonable portion size, I have been able to create a workweek meal plan that is easy to follow, satisfying and nutritionally complete using only happy herbivore recipes. Even my non-vegan trainer can't complain!

HH: In addition to weight loss, have you noticed any other benefits from eating happy herbivore recipes (and thus, adopting a low fat plant-based diet)?

Beth: In making these happy herbivore recipes I have found that I am sustained for longer periods of time without the need to binge or eat something that is empty on the go (like potato chips). Even though the recipes seem to be more nutrient dense, they have not left me feeling heavy or bloated as some other recipes I've made do (primarily due to the heavy "cream" or sauce base).

HH: A lot of people don't think they have the time to prepare fresh meals from scratch everyday--but even as a busy career woman (Beth owns her own business!), you've made the time... care to tell us about that?

Beth: Unlike so many others, happy herbivore recipes are simple and satisfying enough to incorporate into anyone's busiest work week, which can be a major hurdle or reluctance. In fact it is easy to initially doubt that the simplicity of the recipes could actually be fulfilling enough to tame a voracious vegan eater like my husband, but they do! I have been able to vastly increase my physical workload, maintain my career and home obligations, and become more mentally present while losing these unneeded (unwanted) pounds and integrating a majority of happy herbivore recipes into my daily dietary repertoire.

HH: All this food talk is making me hungry! What are some of your favorite and go-to happy herbivore recipes ?

Chickpea Noodle Soup , Celery Root Soup , Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie and Kale Chips are some of my favorites. My husband also makes the Chickpea Tacos at least twice a week! He is a glutton for them!

HH: Thanks so much for sharing you story with us Beth--and I'm so glad happy herbivore recipes have helped you become your healthiest self yet! Keep up the great work! You've certainly inspired me with your amazing "can do" attitude!

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