Minimalist Monday: How To Build Your Ideal, Zen Life (My New Book)

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

As I mentioned last month , I'm writing three books on minimalism this year.

My second book, Minimalist Monday: Decluttering Your Life! Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Toxic Relationships, and Social Chaos to Build Your Ideal, Zen Life! has officially arrived! ( You can order it in all electronic forms (PDF, Kindle, Nook, etc) here. )

My goal with this book is to show you there's SO much more to minimalism than just a decluttered home. Sure, it's where my minimalist journey started (you can read about it detail in my first book , Minimalist Monday: Declutter Your Way to a Zen Home) , but a decluttered home is just not the same as a decluttered life!

In this book, I get personal about how I tackled the clutter in my life and rethought my priorities and relationships. The principals of minimalism became my guiding light for finding my ideal life, my ideal career, my ideal relationships — my ideal everything, and hopefully it will be for you too!

I've also included questions to ask yourself plus tips and strategies for finding and ending those toxic relationships, tackling your emotional baggage (we all have it), and fool proof plans for achieving your dreams.

It’s time to live for you — for your ideal day.

Less stress, more happiness!

Buy the book.

Here's the Table of Contents:


My (Minimalist Life) Story

The Minimalist Life: Embracing Yourself

Living Intentionally Judgement and the Mirror Living Without Regrets

Removal Projects:

Toxic Waste: Identifying & Ending Toxic Relationships

Social Clutter: Minimizing Online Friends & Frenemies

Emotional Baggage: Moving On

Emotional Baggage: Letting Go & Finding Forgiveness

Limitations: Self-fulfilling Prophecies

Limitations: Finding Work Arounds

Limitations: Accepting Your New Reality

Goals and Dreams:

My (Minimalist Career) Story — from Lawyer to Broke Blogger to CEO

Making Priorities Priorities

Learning to Say No

(How to) Follow Your Dreams

(How to) Get What You Want

(How to) Change Careers

(How to) Live Your Passion


Outward Appearances

“Thank You”

(Still unsure? Here's a free sample )

Book 3 will be released this summer :)


" I am so excited to receive the next installment! To me this is the nitty gritty of it--- the business of getting rid of physical stuff is practice for doing the harder work and I am primed and ready. We hear "just say no" all the time, yet having a regular process and practice of making intentional decisions on a minute by minute basis according to our deepest values is so hard!! I find myself often reacting to things that pop up in my path before I figure out if it fits into what I had already decided to do, so end up on this zig zag path with lots of detours. I love your way of saying it--- what is your ideal day like? Why not make your life like your ideal day? That puts it pretty much square in front of you ." -Mary B

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