This Week's Q&A: Dates in Chocolate Recipes, Breast-Feeding, Athlete Vegan Meal Plans & Non-Dairy Milk for Kids

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions...

Q: Many chocolatey recipes call for medjool dates. Are these particular dates any better?

A: I'm generally hesitant to comment or guess on other people's recipes (especially when I haven't seen it or made it myself), so I would ask those authors if there is a specific reason they call for a specific kind of date. Admittedly, I don't use dates a lot with my cooking or baking, so I don't see a clear difference, but it's entirely possible one exists and I'm just too novice. Sorry! A little unrelated but possibly helpful: How to use Dates in Baking.

Q: I finished the 3-Day Reboot (FABULOUS!) and am now finishing Day 2 of the Cleanse, which is GREAT so far. Can I switch around the meals and repeat the ones I really like?

A: After the cleanse is over, repeat your favorites, but try not to during the cleanse. The point is to get all that abundance and variety into your body. Load it up with the healthiest foods — all 75, not just 5 ;) For best results, stick to the plan as closely as possible, but do what you need to do. There's no point if you can't make it realistic :) 

Q: I want to go vegan but I'm breast-feeding. Do I have to wait until I'm done breast-feeding to switch? Do you have any books I can read?

A: It is perfectly safe (and better for baby) if mom is plant-based. There is a wealth of information online. Check out PCRM and Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Life. We also did a series on plant-based kidsgetting kids to eat healthymotherhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding you can check out. Each post has several links to resources and tips from plant-proud mamas!

Q: I am beginning a very intense workout program. It came with a meal plan that is not vegan. Can I do your meal plans? I want to make sure the meals would be sufficient for building muscles and recovering.

A: We have many pro and semi-pro athletes using our meal plans. I'm currently working with a private client who will be using my meal plans to train so he can climb Mt. Everest (!!) Athletes don't need any special nutrition. They don't need extra protein, for example. They just need extra calories. Eat enough foods to sustain your activity and you will put on muscle. Studies show athletes who eat plant-based recover quicker :) 

We also had a Herbie Fitness series — a wealth of info I highly recommend checking out:

Plant-Based Body Building

Plant-Based Sports Nutrition & Training 

Spot Training

HOW: Jeremy

Q: I'm transitioning my kids off dairy. Which milk should I use? Almond? Soy?

A: If your children are very young, most doctors suggest to avoid almond until you're sure there isn't a nut allergy. I'm not sure what age this is, but your doctor could tell you :) Otherwise, it's a matter of taste for kids — as it is for adults. Find a brand you and they like and use it. I find almond milk is the closest to whole milk. Rice milk is sweet and like skim. Soy milk is about the consistency of 2%. Try different brands, too.

Q: What's the difference between the detox plans and the meal plans?

A: The 3-Day Reboot and 10-Day Cleanse & Immersion are more about "resetting" and eating as healthy as you can — giving your body a break. They include a detox drink, lessons and information, peer support and other perks not included with the meal plans. Ideally, you would complete the Reboot and Cleanse, then use the meal plans to continue your healthy journey after. 

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