Ever struggle staying plant-based/vegan? Here's how to overcome the struggle.

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice

So often I get emails like this one:

" I just need to talk to other Herbies. Some days, I just really struggle with being vegan. I hate that I do. I've been Herbie since July 2011. I know it's better for me, and I do feel great eating this way, but yesterday was just hard and I ate some chicken and I felt disgusted after doing so and like I had failed. I did it at lunch. For dinner, I got right back and made the Black Bean Burger , which I love. I just wish I didn't have those moments where I struggle and, worst yet, end up giving in and then feel terrible for it ."

Dr . Lisle, author of The Pleasure Trap wrote a great article, " Does Willpower Hold the Key to Your Success? "

Most of us are the only "Herbie" in our family or friends circle, which is why I advocate finding a buddy online. Happy Herbivore's Facebook page is a great community you can be a part of.

Some of my closest friends I met online through Facebook and Twitter. You can also look for veg societies and meetups in your area.

Tips for overcoming the struggle:

1. Plan ahead — always be prepared. Scope out restaurants in advance. Pack a meal to take with you. Communicate your dietary needs to a host. (Try our meal plans !)

2. Take it a meal at a time. Don't worry about Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas — or some other far-off event. Focus on your next meal.

3. Know your motivation. Keep a reminder of why you are doing what you are doing. I am never tempted because I no longer see animal products as "food" — I see them only as poison.

4. Make a friend (even if it's online).

5. Progress, not perfection!

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