Storing HH Baked Goods

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Storing my baked goods isn't a problem for me, since they are usually gone within a day. I don't know how you Herbies do it - even if I make a large batch of cookies or a cake, it is gone. I know there are some issues with storing low-fat and no-fat foods.

Homemade HH baked goods with dry out quickly, and storing in plastic containers can make things all mushy, since they don't let out moisture.

Storing food, in general, can be tricky because of your location and humidity level. Things I can leave out for a day or two here, I couldn't do in St Maarten.

There are a few things to try with baked goods. If you are in a dry climate, you can try adding a slice of apple into the container with your cookies, bread or cake. This will add moisture, but you will need to change the slice daily.

Aluminum foil also seems to work better than plastic bags, and for cookies you could try a metal tin. They make all kids of different designs. Add a slice of bread to the container to maintain the humidity level, if that's an issue.

A breadbox should also work well to extend the shelf life of baked goods, it stores the bread in a dry, dark place, but you may need to add a small bowl of water to prevent it from drying out.

Freezing is another option - if you have room in your freezer, mine is always packed. The easiest way to freeze cookies or bread is to wrap them in tin foil and then in a plastic bag. Some people swear by using a cloth towel and then plastic for  freezing bread, but I've never tried this.

If you are freezing an entire loaf or a large batch of cookies, you may want to slice the bread and split up the cookies first. That way you only need to de-thaw what you need, like a few slices of bread or only a handful of cookies at a time, instead of the entire batch.

What are some of the ways you have been able to store HH baked goods without them getting mushy or hard quickly?

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