Begone Negativity, Focus on the Positive

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Advice FAQ Minimalist

We're having a "challenge" at HH HQ! This week we can only discuss good things with each other; we're making an effort to focus on the positives and in the event something negative happens, we have to find the silver lining -- we have to find a positive in the negative.

For example, if we get a customer service complaint, we can't focus on the negativity, rather we must be thankful for the feedback that allows us to grow and be better, and also be thankful that the customer also gave us opportunity to fix whatever it was we did wrong

I've said before that " complaining is not a conversation " and that notion was reaffirmed recently after I read this blog post " Be Kind, Online " where the author talks about how we should check to make sure that most of our tweets, etc. are not complaints or negative in nature.

I've also started to realize that I let storm clouds gloom out my day for far too long. Why is it that an amazing success story, a loving tweet, a nice comment or a great book review makes me feel high on life for a few minutes, but a nasty email, a hateful tweet, a bad review, or a mean-spirited person leaves me bummed out for hours, if not days.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Yes , it absolutely should because there is so much overwhelming positive that should be celebrated, embraced and wallowed in instead.

So I decided to make a change. No more negativity allowed. Not in my life. Out with the negativity and in with operation: focus on the positive .

There is so much to be grateful for and thankful for -- and I want to keep sight of that, really take it in and enjoy it. Give myself a pat on the back more and stop empowering darkness.

I know can't please everyone, but I can choose to give all my time and energy to those that I do please, I can appreciate them more, appreciate their gifts more, appreciate those happy moments more because they are what matters. Life can be a series of celebrations.

It's time to focus on the positives.

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