Ask Happy Herbivore: Breaking Free from Sugar

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

Q: Do you have any tips on breaking free from the sugar/soda addiction?

They say it takes three weeks to break a habit -- so keep that in perspective as you struggle to overcome your addiction. If you love soda -- try sparkling water. You can jazz it up with limes, lemons and frozen berries or buy a flavored sparkling water (just make sure its not sweetened with sugars or artificial sugars). I like to add a tiny splash of grapefruit juice to my water -- makes it more interesting ! I also keep cucumber and mint leaves in my pitcher, which adds a lot of flavor.

As for sugar, any time your sweet tooth hits grab a piece of fruit . Reach for dried fruit instead of candy (it’s super sweet) just make sure your dried fruit is 100% fruit and not infused with juice or covered with sugar. Regular fresh fruit works well. I also love slowly nibbling on frozen fruit like bananas, strawberries or peaches. They last longer for nibbling and really give me that sweet fix .

Put your mind to it and stick with it -- you’ll be so glad you did!

If you have a question for HH, send it to! Thanks!

Do you have any tips for breaking a sugar/soda habit?

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