The world seems to be buzzing about CNN's documentary, The Last Heart Attack . If you missed it last night, you can watch it online here .
Too busy to watch? Here are the key points & great quotes:
- Plant-based eating shows great promise for turning around our self-made health care crisis. Change your diet, save your life.
- In the United States, the sicker patient with heart disease, the more money the doctors make. Makes no sense!
- More than 50 billion dollars spent annually on heart operations in the United States (and people thing eating vegan is expensive?)
- It is possible to keep everyone from having a heart attack, with education
- On switching to a plant-based diet: "Your reasons for doing it go from fear of dying to joy of living."
- Plaque starts in childhood! Genes load the gun, lifestyle and diet pull the trigger.
- We're not talking about reducing heart attacks... we're talking about potentially reversing heart-attacks.
- We've eaten ourselves into a problem, we can eat ourselves out of a problem
- A diet of no meat, no dairy and very little oil can make you heart-attack proof.
- Let food be thy medicine, and let they medicine be food - Hippocrates
- Heart disease is a food bourne illness. A toothless paper tiger.
Interested in eating plant-based (vegan) check out my transitioning plans .