As I was hurrying to get everything in order before we left for vacation, my MIL baked up a loaf of my pumpkin bread from the cookbook -- something we could take on the plane to nibble on. (Our total travel time was 27 hrs!).
I was busy looking for my long lost snow glove when I caught a wiff of pumpkin bliss wandering into my bedroom. I poked my head out the door and said "Are you baking something?!"
"Uh huh" she said. At that point I walked into the kitchen and saw it rising perfectly in the oven:
What a peach, my MIL.
This Pumpkin Bread is totally fat-free and whole wheat...but you'd never know. It's really awesome... and like all things pumpkin, it only gets better with age.
p.s. tomorrow is the BIG DAY for my cookbook on the Nook and Kindle ! Don't forget to download tomorrow or pre-order for instant download at midnight!!