In 2014 I resolved to 'Subtract.'
While everyone around me was resolving to do something: start working out, pay down debt, or "live life to the fullest".
I decided to NOT do something.
I eliminated an energy vampire.
I had this habit of re-reading emails after I sent them (especially if I was stewing in anger or thought what I wrote was "genius") so I resolved to stop doing that.
Seems silly, but that elimination-resolution stuck. I still don't re-read emails or text messages after I write them.
And get this: By NOT doing that simple action I actually accomplished all those resolutions!
I lost weight , got organized, ate healthier, and enjoyed life more in 2014 (I've got pics to prove it!)
This year I've read 237 books.
That’s the result of slaying a lot of energy vampires.
So… What can you stop doing?
Re-reading your emails? Delete Twitter from your phone?
If you want to lose weight, you have to make time for it.
Which means: you can't try to do e-v- e-r -y-t-h-i- n-g .
Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should… or that it’s the best investment of your time. Delegating is an essential life skill!
I’m OBSESSED with ROI — Getting the biggest Return On Investment.
For example, spending an hour cooking will do far more for your health (and weight-loss) than spending that same hour at the gym.
Natasha has been using the meal plans for the last three years :)
#1 You can't out-exercise a bad diet.
#2 You could easily make enough oatmeal and food for 5 workday lunches in an hour.
Those prepared meals alone will save you 10x more calories (by not eating out) than you could ever hope to burn lifting weights or doing cardio for 60 minutes.
Put your efforts in the right place.
Instead of searching for recipes, creating a shopping list, and doing all the planning yourself, utilize my science-based meal plans.
Free up your time so you can focus on the DOING part.
Make your commitment:
- Smarter
- Science-based
with this New Years deal:
Purchase your yearly membership TOMORROW and you’ll get:
- 2018 Detox Plan
- The Shortcut to Slim Weight-Loss Book
- Best of 2017 Cookbook
- 52 weeks of meal plans (over 1,000 recipes)
- 1 year of support
- Private Facebook group with me
- 45-minute Training Course on mindset science (How to Change Your Thinking for Success)
Snag the exact tools you need to lose weight at the lowest discounted price.
Monday, January 1st only.
Get everything listed for a one-time payment of only $179
Or 3 easy payments of $69
Learn more about this discounted bundle here.
*The total value of goods is $381.85, calculated as follows: $19.99 (detox plan) + $19.99 (weight-loss book) + $13.99 (best of cookbook) + $227.88 membership (12 months @ $18.99/mo) + $99.99 (training video) = $381.85 (support + Facebook group is priceless!)
Don't make your life harder while you're losing weight and getting healthy.
Make it EASIER.
Adding more on your plate is asking a lot of yourself.
Take something off. Delegate. Get my expert help. Get support.
It’s a no-brainer that a yearly meal plan membership (with all these tools and support!) will make your life easier and your weight-loss more successful! ❤️