Will you be driving a lot with overnight stays this holiday season?
"I don't know what this says about me but the first thing I thought when planning this out was, what about my food and should I prep at home and transport? And how will I transport?" asked Kim F.
These meal plan bags are the perfect answer to a stressful situation.
Buy EDC Meal Prep Bag on Amazon.
Buy EDC Meal Prep Bag on Amazon.
You can also take your Meal Mentor meals in plastic bags on the plane.
I do this all the time with no issue!
@whatvegansreallyeat took the Bahn Mi Pasta salad on the plane.
If you’re worried about the bag opening, buy Gripstic. Susie W. shared this in the group and I could kiss her for it. They really do seal any bag tight!
By the way, if you’ve got “how to eat well” on the brain like Kim, high-five!
Those thoughts and worries are the good kind to have! It shows that you know it's important to plan ahead and take care of yourself—especially during a notoriously stressful and busy time of year.
These bags also work great for extended hospital stays.
I love what Jennifer said:
“I'll have to stay in the hospital for 2 days and I thought I could use it to BYOMMM (Bring Your Own Meal Mentor Meals)!”
#BYOMMM sounds like BOOM! *mic drop in my head (looove it!)
...and business conferences (save this post for the future!)
Elizabeth’s spread is IMPRESSIVE
“Here is what I got past the TSA for myfour dayconference. The glass jar is to make ONO's, it is filled with my nut/raisin/cacao nib snack mix. Some kashi bars, four apples and bananas (Ibroughttortillas and peanut butter to make banana sandwiches.) Three packets of homemade oatmeal mix, almond milk in my checked bag, Choc-zucchini muffins and cheater peanut butter muffins that I froze to act as ice packs. Thanks to this group for all of the suggestions!”
TRU Hummus and Wild Garden hummus (both oil-free) are a great addition.
Buy Wild Garden travel Hummus on Amazon.
Which reminds me… When in doubt, POTATOES!
I’m not the only one who flys with cooked potatoes ;-) Glad it’s catching on!
Cody shared this recently, too. A travel kit for her potatoes!
I’ve also had great results taking dressings (vinegar) in those travel shampoo bottles.
You can also make ONOs!
Combine oats with rice or soy milk powder and add water for in-air oatmeal.
Buy rice milk powder on Amazon.
Buy soy milk powder on Amazon.
Pre-made oatmeal or ONO’s will likely get taken, and plain oats will get a second look but they should otherwise survive bag check.
This is why I love our VIP Member community so much!
Thanks to all our members for constantly sharing these helpful tips (we really are in this together) and starting such great topics!
Bottom line: If you need to take several meals to last for a few days because you are traveling or it’s safer and easier for you to bring your own food, meal plan bags are a great way to transport your food.