Vegan Burger Bites, Chorizo Bowls, Mexican Falafels

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: MealPlan

This week combat “decision fatigue”

Every day you make 35,000+ decisions.

(Really! This is a scientific fact!!)

Of course, you’re mentally tired by 5pm…

Making decisions and using willpower all day is EXHAUSTING.

Ugh I just don’t have any creativity left for dinner.”

So you make mindless trade-off and pick up fast food...


That’s why I love having a menu and recipes picked out for me.

You’ll LOVE having a menu and simple healthy recipes delivered to you.

It’s NICE to ‘not think’ once in awhile!

You have a demanding life that requires soooo many decisions every. single. day.

If you get decision fatigue...

Or you’re indecisive, struggling with making food decisions...

Meal Mentor can help!!

Give yourself an easy way to choose what’s for dinner.

On the menu this week:

  • Mexican Falafels
  • General Tso’s Noodles (5 min)
  • Mediterranean “Tuna” Wraps (8 min)
  • Mama Mia Quinoa

Plus Vegan Burger Bites and “Chorizo” Bowls (10 min)

You can make yourself.

...and Vegan Beanie Weenies

SO healthy and whole-no faux meat! 100% veggies

Burger Bites (top left), Mama Mia Quinoa (top right), Mexican Falafels (bottom left), Vegan Beanie Weenies (bottom right)

100% veggies, no wacky processed stuff.

Imagine the relief of a weekly meal plan...

...automatically delivered to your inbox…

With simple healthy vegan recipes you can actually do…

BEAT decision fatigue this week.

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