Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl, Chunky White Bean Soup, Enchilada Pasta & More!

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: MealPlan

Lots of tasty and feel good dishes are coming your way on this week's meal plan !

Spice up your life (and tastebuds) with the Enchilada Pasta (NEW!) and Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl (NEW!) .

We've also got more seasonal tastes with the oh-so comforting Chunky White Bean Soup (NEW!) , Harvest Salad (NEW!) and Autumn Vegetable Soup (fam.).

Enchilada Pasta

Individual Highlights

  • Chunky White Bean Soup (NEW!)
  • Lemon Baked Oatmeal (NEW!)
  • "Tuna" Salad
  • Harvest Salad (NEW!)
  • Enchilada Pasta (NEW!)
  • Pumpkin Pancakes
  • Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl (NEW!)

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Harvest Salad

Family Highlights

  • Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowls (NEW!)
  • Spicy Orange Broccoli & Noodles
  • Harvest Salad (NEW!)
  • PB&J; Banana Hotdogs (NEW!)
  • Autumn Vegetable Soup
  • Chunky White Bean Soup (NEW!)
  • Enchilada Pasta (NEW!)

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Chunky White Bean Soup


" I've been using the meal plans for a solid 2 1/2 years. I have ZERO regrets. It saves you the misery of having to find recipes every week , includes a convenient grocery list , you can use the downloadable/reusable PDF meal plan forever, it's consistently in season , and introduces so many more foods to your palate. I think it's AWESOME. "- Katie C

" I am a meal plan member and love the convenience it offers . It helps me plan meals for my busy week for my family. While I am the only one plant based completely, it gives me a way to expose them to new foods (and reduce their meat consumption.) Thanks! " - Aimee P

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