Minimalist Monday: Winter Cleaning (Not Spring! Winter Is The Perfect Time To Minimize)

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Minimalist

"Spring cleaning" is all wrong --- who wants to be inside in the SPRING? (especially after a long, cold, gloomy winter?)

WINTER is the * perfect * time to do your so-called "spring" cleaning.

If you're already cooped up inside, why not make the most of it?

Cleaning (and minimizing) is also a great workout! Especially if you really get down and dirty, cleaning behind and under furniture --- move it around! It's like lifting weights, but with extra upsides!

When I was hosting the virtual minimalist party a few people said they wanted to do the garage or basement, but it was too cold.

Here's the thing: spring and summer are way too hot! Put on an extra sweatshirt, drag around a space heater if you must but! if you're cleaning, you'll likely work up some heat yourself and the cool air will feel good. It was about 35F when I decided to tackle my garage (with the garage door open!) and by the end I was sweating in a T-shirt!

Use your "snow" days to minimize and clean clean clean! You'll be so happy you did and you won't waste any of that beautiful outside time cleaning indoors!

Need some ideas? Here's how to make the most of your time indoors:

Clean ( and I really mean clean ). Give your house a deep clean to get rid of all the dust and dirt that's been collecting over the winter. Clean the windows, dust the tops of shelves and light fixtures, scrub the floors, etc. Not only will every room be squeaky clean, you'll also feel really accomplished.

Organize your holiday decor/items. Now that the holidays are behind us, why not go through and organize (or minimize!) all your holiday stuff so you know exactly where they are when it's time to bring them out this year. At the very least you can go through and organize your wrapping paper and gift bags.

Clean out your closets. If you haven't worn that old coat that's been tucked away in darkest part of your closet, donate it! Someone else could get a lot more use out of it than you.

Organize your kitchen cabinets. Better yet, do it while baking an HH recipe. Chocolate chip cookies are always a great motivator :)

Declutter your bathroom. When was the last time you cleaned under your sink ? A winter purge may be just what it needs.

Get your finances together! Tax Day is right around the corner (April 15th). Rather than waiting until the last minute, start gathering things together now.

Want more tips and advice on how to declutter your home and life? Get my new minimalist books: Minimalist Monday: Declutter Your Way to a Zen Home and Minimalist Monday: Decluttering Your Life! Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Toxic Relationships, and Social Chaos to Build Your Ideal, Zen Life (available in all electronic formats)!

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