This Week's Q&A: Which Cookbook is Right for You, Single-Serving Recipes, Workout Endurance Snacks, and Vegan Ice Cream

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: FAQ

You've got questions...

Q: I want to introduce more plant-based meals to my family. My son is particularly picky when it comes to fruits and veggies. If I were going to pick 2 of the Happy Herbivore cookbooks to start, which 2 would you recommend for the transition?

A: My advice is to thumb through the tables of contents of each (at the bookstore or online, Amazon has a generous "look inside" feature, especially if you are logged in — you get more pages that way) and see what recipes sound like your child or family will like. We all have different palates and preferences :)

That said, I always have moms telling me how much their kids like the family meal plans , HHC and EHH . Then again, a lot of moms rave about their kids liking recipes in HHA , too!

Q: Any chance for a book on vegan recipes for one?

A: Done and done. The individual meal plans are designed for one person . No leftovers. No eating the same thing for a week. Check 'em out. We also have single-serving recipes in all of the cookbooks. My more recent cookbooks, like Abroad , Everyday , and Light & Lean have a special icon to indicate single-serving.

Q: In October I am participating in a cycling event that will be either 65 or 100 miles. I have a Camelbak, which I can take some stuff in. What would you suggest I consider taking food-wise to give me enough energy and nutrition throughout the day??

A: When my husband and I snowboard and run marathons, we keep cooked potatoes and dates on hand :) You might also be able to find some Larabars that are SOS. I also have a home "gatorade" recipe you can check out.

And don't miss the Herbie "Fit" series:

Plant-based (vegan) sports nutrition

Plant-based (vegan) body building

Spot training

Herbie of the Week: Jeremy (he's a plant-based trainer)

Q:I was in my Walmart recently and noticed that they have So Delicious Dairy and soy free coconut milk ice cream now. Hardly any ingredients on it either and was wondering if you've heard of this?

A: I'm glad to see Walmart is offering some vegan and dairy-free options. I've heard of the company, but I don't eat coconut (I keep to a low-fat, whole foods plant-based diet) so I haven't had it — at least not that I can recall. It's always possible I had a taste somewhere. One thing to keep in mind, though, as exciting as these products are, remember that just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's a health food. Sure, vegan ice cream is better than dairy ice cream, but it. is. still. ice cream. If you want to treat yourself to some vegan ice cream now and again, have at it (unless you have heart disease, diabetes, or other medical conditions — then you've got to be a little more strict) but keep in mind it's just that — a treat! :) So often, my clients are eating vegan ice cream or cookies because they think it's healthy and while it's healthier, it's not a health food like an apple :) Remember your whole foods mantra!

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