Happy Herbivore Buttons & Stickers are Here! Order now!

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon

At long last, we finally have some Happy Herbivore Swag for you!

We now have Happy Herbivore Stickers and Happy Herbivore Buttons.

You can purchase the stickers and buttons in our store

Order 10 stickers for $10 ($1 each), or 4 buttons for $10 ($2.50 each). 

UPDATE: You can now also buy 2 buttons and 5 stickers for $10.

Unfortunately, it's too burdensome (and not eco-friendly) for me to mail just one button or just one sticker, which is why we're selling them in bulk :) Buy some for you and your friends! 

Maybe the super cute button or sticker will entice them to eat more plant-based meals! 

The proceeds will go to the maintenance and support of this free website and help fund some future projects like new cooking videos or a phone app!

We're also looking into having T-shirts made and those will hopefully be available for pre-order in the next few weeks! Keep your eyes peeled!

By the way, we're also having a blowout sale with my cookbooks — signed copies are $20 each with shipping included (domestic) while supplies last! 

Buy a signed copy of Happy Herbivore Abroad.(NEW!)

Buy a signed copy of Everyday Happy Herbivore.

Buy a signed copy of The Happy Herbivore Cookbook.

Thanks for supporting Happy Herbivore! I greatly appreciate it! 

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