Herbie of the Week: Kelsey

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Last October, Kelsey and I were brought together by one of Kelsey's coworkers, who'd emailed me about Kelsey, suggesting I interview her as a Herbie of the Week. I asked Kelsey's coworker to have Kelsey email me directly, so we could talk about her journey. Right off the bat, Kelsey hit me with amazing news:

"I changed my lifestyle 8+ months ago, dropped 27 lbs., my total cholesterol dropped from 219 (at the age of 23) to 140 (at the age of 25) and my ALT Liver function is now normal at 11 (used to be 89, which is crazy high)."

Then Kelsey buttered me up a little bit ;)

"I frequently use your cookbooks for mealtime (as well as my husband!) and found you early on in my journey."

SOLD! Just kidding! I'd have interviewed her regardless :)

P.S.: A special congrats to Kelsey! Yesterday was her 1-year Veganniversary!!!

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