Herbie 101 Series: Misc. Questions

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: 101Series

Well my students, this is our last class! I hope you have enjoyed the Herbie 101 series! If you missed any of the previous posts, here they are:

Herbie 101: Nutrition

Herbie 101: Soy & GMO

Herbie 101: Allergies and Medical Conditions

Herbie 101: Pregnancy, Kids & Bodily Functions

Herbie 101: Baking, Cooking & Ingredients

Now for your general and miscellaneous questions!

Is it safe to juice lemongrass?
I've never seen lemongrass juiced at a juice bar, so I'd say no. I don't juice.

What are your thoughts on juicing?
I don't juice — I follow Dr. Essy's advice, who says not to juice ( Source ).

From his website:

Juicing — Is it all right to juice?
Do not juice. You lose all the fiber and its benefits.

Fruit juice — What about fruit juice?
Drinking fruit juice is like pouring the sugar bowl down your throat. It is fine to eat the whole fruit. Do not drink the juice.

If you're looking to lose weight, you probably shouldn't juice — or drink any calories.

What is an appropriate amount of almonds to eat per day? What is too much of a good thing?
If you are looking to lose weight or you have heart disease, you should not eat any almonds at all (or other nuts/seeds). Dr. Fuhrman says you can eat up to 1 ounce of nuts per day.

Low-cost ways to have a plant-based diet? Plant-based staples like beans and rice are a bargain. I also have a "budget" icon in most of my cookbooks, indicating which recipes are under $5 to make. See this post, " Eating Healthy on a Budget ."

I also can't recommend the meal plans enough. Most people report spending as little as $30 a person for all their food for the entire week, 21 meals and snacks!

Why do you say plant based and not vegan? Is it the same?
See this post, " What is a Plant-Based Diet vs. Vegan Diet ."

How about people who go plant-based and feel great for the first few months, then all of a sudden feel tired, lethargic, and crappy. What would this be due to and how might one address it?
It would depend on your symptoms, but most often: there has been a dietary change. Maybe you're eating out a little more. Maybe vegan junk food has started to creep in.

Being vegan and losing weight — Is it mainly watching caloric intake or what you're eating. When I first started eating a plant-based diet, I actually gained weight!

Weight gain is caused by too many calories and as Dr. McDougall says, the fat you eat is the fat you wear. As I know from personal experience, if I start increasing a lot of fat in my diet (nuts, seeds, avocado), I put weight on. Make sure to eat a low-fat, whole foods, plant-based diet. Not just a "vegan" diet. You can be "vegan" and live on french fries and cola.

I also can't recommend the meal plans enough for weight-loss. We have so many success stories.

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