Herbie of the Week: Brenda

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

The day after my birthday, I received the most beautiful email from Brenda (I doubt she even knew it was my birthday). Brenda bravely shared her story with me -- the subject line of the email "It's time to tell you my story." I was moved to tears and asked Brenda if I could feature her, and share her email as part of our Herbie of the Week column. Lucky for us, Brenda said yes!

"Hi, Lindsay

I have been following you and using you cookbooks for over a year now. I have lost all the weight I need to (35 pounds) and my cholesterol is going down slowly.

I was a vegetarian for two years and have been an ethical vegan for slightly over one year. I was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gherig's) disease two years ago.  I had been having decreased energy levels for several years and thought it was due to getting older and was just part of that process. Two and one half years ago I started having foot drop. I had many blood tests done, had an MRI done of my lower back and had nerve testing done of my lower legs, arms and upper back. October 2010 just before vacation to visit friends in Austin with my partner all the tests were back and I was told in not uncertain terms that I had ALS and was going to die.

I asked for a second opinion and was told the same thing. I was also told by the physician who did the second opinion that there were cases of this nerve condition with the weakness staying only in one appendage and not progressing to other appendages.

My regular neurologist told me at every 3-6 months when I would see him that I was going to die from this disease even though the weakness had not progressed beyond my right foot. He did want me to take a medication that slows the progress of the disease if it progresses to the lungs, but only prolongs life 3 months when it gets to the lungs. The drug is liver toxic. I wouldn't even consider that drug!

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