Healthy Halloween (Healthier & Vegan Trick or Treats)

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Holiday

Looking for healthy alternatives to hand out to kiddos? Here are some food and non-food ideas I found in the October issue of Healthy Beginnings lifestyle magazine .

Non-Food Items

Halloween Stickers
Temporary Tattoos
Bouncy Balls
Glow Sticks
Lip Smackers

Food Items:

Dried Fruit (i.e. boxes of raisins)
Annie's fruit snacks (what my mom gives out)
Trail Mix
Dark Chocolate
Trader Joe's Brown Rice Marshmallow Treats (vegan and individually wrapped)
100% Juice boxes
Pirate's Booty
Emergen-C supplement packs (they fizz!)
That's It Fruit Bars
Enviro-Kids Rice Crispy Bars (gluten-free) - multiple flavors
Organic 100% juice lolly pops

PeTA also has a comprehensive list of all commercially sold candies that are "accidentally vegan" here !

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