Herbie of the Week: Jennifer

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Herbies

Last week we met Mike , who lost over 80lbs and feels he has more food options now on a plant-based diet than he did before. This week we meet Jennifer, who has lost 50lbs and gotten rid of her chronic digestive issues!

HH: What brought you to a plant-based diet?

It all started because I was desperate to feel better. Things had gotton so bad I couldn't eat without severe bloating and pain and I was getting to the point where I was afraid to eat anything. Even healthy foods would cause severe pain. This was all caused by the IBS I've had since I was a little kid. In fact, I can't remember not having it.

I did discover fairly early on that meat did aggravate the pain so I tried not to eat a lot of it. Then one day, I was looking at cookbooks on amazon and " The Kind Diet " popped up as something I might like. At first I was hesitant about this book by the girl from " Clueless " but, I read the reviews and they looked really good. As silly as it may sound, the word "kind" has always had special meaning to me so I felt that since it seemed interesting and the reviews were so good, I had to read the book. So, I went to the local library, checked it out and read it in two days . It made so much sense to me. The book explained why I had many of the health issues that I was experiencing.

HH: What health conditions did you have?

Not only did I have IBS, but I had developed chronic acid reflux. Prilosec was not taking care of it anymore. I also had high blood pressure.

HH: So your motivations for going plant-based were health-related?

Definately. Between my health and the animal suffering discussed in the Kind Diet, I decided right then and there, I needed to give veganism a try. That was 10 months ago.

HH: Have you experienced any positive changes since making the switch?

The IBS is gone, the acid reflux is gone and I don't take blood pressure meds anymore. I've also lost 50 pounds so far. This plant-based diet is definitely here to stay! I have 20 to 30 pounds left to lose and I know HH recipes will be instrumental in helping me achieve that goal.

I also have oodles more energy so I've been able to accomplish a lot more. Going plant-based has also opened my heart to making more eco-friendly and compassionate choices. For example, I now use all natural cruelty free cleaners and body/beauty products. I use reusable produce bags and reusable shopping bags.

HH: Any additional comments?

Plant-based food is so wonderful. It's delicious and healthy. I'm so glad I finally stumbled upon this way of eating. A friend of mine just emailed me today and told me she bought the Happy Herbivore Cookbook and Everyday Happy Herbivore ! That made me SO happy. She's currently vegetarian, but she's interested in a completely plant-based diet for health reasons. I am confident she will be completely satisfied with her purchase. For anyone who hasn't gotten the HH books and think they might like to, please get them! There are so many wonderful plant-based cookbooks out there, but the Happy Herbivore books are the first ones that make me realize that there is absolutely no need for fast food or takeout when you can make such delicious healthy food so quickly and easily at home.

Thank you Jennifer for sharing! Jennifer also has a website, kindveggie.com , that is a reference site for anyone who eats a plant-based diet or may be interested in doing so.

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