New Meal Plan (7 New Meals!)

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: MealPlan

Lots of new things going on with the meal plans this week: First off, 7 new meals this week and a new website dedicated to the meal plans!

We're also including my "New Year, New You" ebook again this week (in case you missed it!) This quick read will help you be more productive, start the year off right and reach all of your 2012 goals , whatever they may be.

New meals this week:

  • Quesadillas
  • Fried Bananas
  • Vegan Alfredo
  • Queso Nachos
  • Black Bean Hummus
  • Mac n Cheese
  • Queso Bowl

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"Thanks so much!  I'm not a cook and appreciate having the menus, shopping list and recipes all in one document .  Even better, my husband even likes the meals." - Becky S

"My wife Kit has been cooking a lot of your recipes - and as a die hard beef-eatin' Texan - I am constantly amazed by how truly great these dishes are!" - Dale

"Whoever gives your meal plans a try will most likely be surprised at how full they will feel . This is a great plan!"  - Janet

"I've been following the meal plans and I was honestly suprised at how quick and easy the meals are to prepare. Thank you so much for providing the meal plans." - Laura

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