New 1,200+ Calorie Meal Plan + Special Thanksgiving Meal

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: MealPlan

This week's meal plan comes with a bonus: A special meal plan for Thanksgiving Day that allows for a big meal and slice of pie -- all within 1200 calories!

Here are some of the recipes you can expect to eat on this week's meal plan:

Green Bean Casserole
Chickpea Noodle Soup
Pad Thai
Maple Glazed Vegetables
Pumpkin Oatmeal
Pumpkin Muffins
French Toast
Buddah Bowl

(This meal plan is 7-days, with the bonus Thanksgiving Day plan).

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"I downloaded this meal plan for the last few weeks and so far, I've lost 4 pounds! " - Jena M.

" The meal plans have really helped my budget and opened my eyes to all sorts of new food choices. Thanks so much!"  - Tara V.

"I just downloaded the meal plan and I am really impressed !" - Stephanie T.

Donate & Download Now.

**please make a donation! We've been operating on the honor system, asking folks to kindly make a donation, but a lot of people have been downloading for 'free' which costs us money and isn't really fair to the people who have been generously donating. Without donations, I can't create these meal plans anymore.

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