I woke up at 7:00 a.m. and enjoyed a banana with 1/2 cup of the leftover whole oatmeal . I really can't get over how filling the "raw oatmeal" is!
For lunch I made raw "chili" -- a recipe I was really excited about trying! The original recipe comes from Everyday Raw by Matthew Kenney, but I tinkered with it quite a bit to make it fat-free and more akin to my taste preferences. I think my recipe is just different enough that I'm comfortable sharing it, so I'll post it for you next week!
And can I just say I really, really loved the chili? It was phenom. Wow. I only wish I had a dehydrator to make "crackers" or "chips" to go with it, but it was great by the spoonful! I just can't get over how rawesome that chili was!
Then around 3:00 I was feeling a little hungry again (I seem to have afternoon munchies!), so I ate a few more strips of dehydrated mango .
For dinner I made a spicy carrot soup with my Vita-Mix . (The recipe came with the machine).
It's essentially pulverized carrots with spices. The consistency was really thick - like applesauce, and not what I would necessarily call a soup. I added a little chalula overtop because it wasn't quite hot enough for me as written (or palatable). I also ate a gorilla salad with cherry tomatoes and raisins as a "side" to the soup.
Lastly comes dessert -- squee! I can't wait to share this recipe with you next week. I made insta-raw ice cream . It's stupid easy to make and completely fat-free to boot! I actually tried to make an insta-pudding and ended up with ice cream instead... I'm really lovin' it. Yummo!
Needless to say, today went way better than yesterday. I'm feeling great and happy I decided to come back to another raw day even after yesterday's debacle. I also really, truly appreciate everyone who left comments on the post yesterday -- it means so much to me! Now onto raw day 4!