Vegan Chili Cheese Chorizo au Gratin Recipe

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Recipe

My fridge and pantry were both looking pretty bare the other night. All I had was 1 yam, 1 small potato, a leek, left over vegan chorizo, soy milk, flour and my usual spices and condiments. I decided to throw it all together with the cheese sauce I use to make my soy-free mac n' cheese . You know, sometimes an empty fridge is a blessing. I still can't get over how tasty this dish came out. I was worried Scott would think it was a hot brown mess but he turned to me and said "OMG Babe, this is AWESOME!" Word. I feel silly posting the recipe but more or less wanted to post this (even if it is a hot mess) to remind us all that even when we feel like we have nothing in the house to eat, we can still make a great, healthy vegan meal using pantry and fridge staples, a few veggies and a little imagination. Eating up dry goods is also a great way to save money and it keeps the stock piling at bay. I think I need to do more pantry challenges!

For this meal, I added 1 cup of crumbled vegan chorizo, 1 tbsp chili powder and 1 tsp cinnamon to the soy-free mac n' cheese sauce and then smothered the potatoes and leek with it au gratin style (an onion would have also worked). I baked it in a square casserole dish for about 40 minutes (until the potatoes were fork tender).

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