Four years ago I started to wonder... What if all diets are right?
What if low-carb works, and low-fat works, and vegan works, and paleo works, and intuitive eating works, and high-carb works, and... WHAT IF THEY ALL WORK?
Like you, I was tired and frustrated by diets that stopped working. I was also tired of hearing I just wasn’t trying hard enough or perfect enough. Fed up with mixed messages from “experts”, I decided to become a 'nutritional agnostic' and go straight to the science to learn the truth for myself.
That led to a series of blog posts, my podcast Shortcut to Slim, and now a new (246-page!) research book.
Purchase a copy of The Science of Weight Loss ebook right here.
By assuming every diet “worked”, I was able to read research differently.
By no longer looking for "proof" or points I could tear apart (or facts to further an agenda), I was able to glean new information with curiosity instead of skepticism and bias.
The problem with all other ‘experts’ is that they treat each book, study, or journal article as competitive, rather than collaborative. They also are trying to “prove” their opinion or “diet plan” is right, and by extension, everyone else must be wrong.
Taking a radical approach, I decided to treat every study and book like a puzzle piece of information, collecting and sorting similar pieces until I finally saw patterns that allowed me to connect everything together.
Here is what I learned: All “diets” can be right, and they all work, BUT they do not necessarily work for every person. When someone is successful with a particular diet plan it is because they managed to select a diet that had the right elements and the right solutions for their particular challenges at that exact moment in their life. That doesn't mean that 'diet' is going to work for me, or for you, or for them next year. The human body is incredibly dynamic.
Specifically, there is no perfect human diet just a perfect diet for each human based on the situation he or she is in and that situation keeps changing.
Ultimately, every "diet" is a different way to put the human body into a sufficiently low-glycemic state to trigger the body to use its fat for glucose, which leads to a net loss. Weight manipulations are the result of energy balance.
(That is the one and only simple truth in the entire field of weight-loss science.)
There are also a million different ways to get there.
Success is about finding the pathways you need and selecting the ones that work with your physiology and personality.
Here’s the good news: I’ve summarized all the science into an easy-to-read and supremely fascinating book. I’ve also identified MORE THAN 100 science-based pathways that accelerate weight-loss.
These are easy, actionable things you can employ immediately, such as adding a little vinegar on carbohydrates, slightly changing your meal times, letting potatoes and rice cool to reduce their calories, reducing carbs on the days you drink alcohol, and overeating on protein (if you need to overeat).
There are also more in-depth tools such as identifying your flavor profile (determined mostly by genetics) which shows you how to select foods that satisfy you on less calories. I also dig into neuroplasticity (the science of rewiring your brain) and how to change habits successfully.
I also dedicated an entire chapter to the psychology of food addiction, for those who struggle with any time of disordered eating or “dieting PTSD” (which is 95% of us).
With this book, you will find a solution--a pathway to weight loss that works for your unique body and profile.
With science on your side, you can finally see results that are equal to your efforts. This book will help you design the perfect weight-loss strategy that will work for your body. I encourage you to read the science for yourself and try something new. I guarantee you will find at least one pathway that leads you to your goal.
Over the next few days, I'm going to share with you some highlights from the research/book that I found particularly fascinating/helpful/mind-blowing.
Ready to learn and try some of the strategies for yourself right away?
Purchase a copy of The Science of Weight Loss ebook right here.
(You’ll get a kindle, mobi, and PDF version with your purchase)
This “early bird” price only lasts for the next 48 hours, so don’t delay!
BOTTOM LINE: I took everything I learned reading 346 studies and 53 books to create the ultimate science-based weight-loss book. I wrapped it all up into one easy-to-understand book. This book summarizes all the science, debunks mainstream myths, and provides you with more than 100+ different actionable strategies you can employ immediately to get results going.
The best part is that this book allows you to design an action plan that works FOR YOU by addressing your specific problems or challenges. The science has shown me there is no perfect human diet, just a diet that is perfect for each human. There will never be “one-size fits all” which is why there is so much variability with any diet program. Some people get results and some don’t. This is because we each have a unique physiology.
It’s high time you find out what works for you, and use science to get the results that match your efforts.
This is THE book you need to get unstuck (or get faster results). The science is also fascinating...illuminating… and EMPOWERING. Knowledge really is power and I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned with you.
By reading this book, you’ll save yourself 26,134 hours of learning (because I did the reading and summarizing for you).
Lastly, I’m thrilled knowing that someone else is going to benefit from my obsession with weight-loss research. For those of you who don’t have the time or desire to do all that reading and sleuthing yourself, this book is 100% for you!
Knowledge is power!!
Get your copy of The Science of Weight Loss right here.
(Purchase includes kindle, mobi, and printable PDF format)
Five reasons you should read this book:
The research is supremely fascinating, electrifying, and provocative. It will change how you think about food, your body, and “dieting”.
You deserve to know what actually happens inside your body when you eat, exercise, or try to lose weight.
Knowledge is power.
The weight-loss accelerator strategies in the book are easier to follow.
You can help eradicate all the "diet" and "health" myths floating around as facts. These myths severely harm all of us.
Table of Contents
- How to Use This Book
- Key Terms — Introduction
- The Homeostatic Control System
- The Effect of Calories on Body Weight
- Summary
Chapter 1 – Nutrient Quality & Bioavailability
- Key Terms — Chapter 1
- The Nutrient Value of Your Diet Does Matter
- The Link Between Micronutrient Deficiency and Obesity
- The Effect of Micronutrient Deficiency on Appetite and Weight
- Micronutrient Bioavailability
- Cross-Nutrient Interactions
- The Positive Effect of Chewing on Nutrient Bioavailability
- The Positive Effect of Cooking on Nutrient Bioavailability
- The Negative Effect of Cooking on Nutrient Bioavailability
- The Food Matrix
- Multivitamins
- Summary & Strategies
- Micronutrient Charts
Chapter 2 – The Cost of Digestion
- Key Terms — Chapter 2
- Not Every Calorie is Digested Equally
- Hidden “Backend” Calories: How Thermal and Mechanical Processing Enhances Digestion
- The Effects of Industrial Processing on Digestibility
- The Effect of Fiber on Digestibility
- The Four Types of Fiber
- The Effect of the Microbiome on Digestibility
- Summary & Strategies
Chapter 3 – How the Body Stores Body Fat
- Key Terms — Chapter 3
- Not Every Calorie is Stored or Converted Equally
- The Metabolic Costs of Converting Macronutrients
- The Effect of Alcohol on Oxidative Priority
- The Effect of Fructose on Oxidation Priority
- The “Low-Carb vs. Low Fat” Debate
- Summary & Strategies
Chapter 4 – How Hormones Effect Body Weight
- Key Terms — Chapter 4
- Not Every Calorie Stimulates Hormones Equally
- The Role of Insulin
- The Role of Leptin
- The Role of Ghrelin
- Other Appetite-Related Hormones
- The Role of Sex Hormones
- Endocrine Conditions
- The Set-Point Theory of Obesity
- Summary & Strategies
Chapter 5 – Satiety, Satiation, Hunger and Appetite
- Key Terms — Chapter 5
- Not Every Calorie Satiates Equally
- Physical Satiation and Satiety
- Volume Eating
- Sensory-Specific Satiety
- Psychological Satiation and Satiety
- Expectation and Perception
- The Fluid Calories Conundrum
- The Effects of Marketing and Presentation
- Mindless Eating v. Mindful Eating
- Physical Satiation and Satiety
- Summary & Strategies
Purchase a copy of The Science of Weight Loss ebook right here.
Chapter 6 – Taste and Palatability
- Key Terms — Chapter 6
- Not Every Calorie Tastes The Same
- The Effect of Hunger on Taste and Palatability
- The Effects of Hormones on Taste and Palatability
- The Four Basic Tastes
- The “Other” Taste Buds
- The Peak-end Rule
- Summary & Strategies
Chapter 7 – Biological & Anatomical Factors
- Key Terms — Chapter 7
- Not Every Body Responds Equally to Calories
- The Effect of Metabolism on Body Weight
- The Effect of Mitochondria on Body Weight
- How to Improve Mitochondria Function
- The Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating
- Other Biological Factors Related to Body Weight
- Summary & Strategies
Chapter 8 – Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, and Exercise
- Key Terms — Chapter 8
- Not Every Calorie is Consumed at the Same Time
- Circadian Rhythms and Chronotherapy
- Sleep Deprivation
- Exercise
- The Health Halo Effect
- Summary & Strategies
Chapter 9 – The Psychology of Eating and Food Addiction
- Key Terms — Chapter 9
- The Psychology and Neurology of Food Addiction
- The Mechanics of All Addictions
- A Neurological Look at All Addictions
- The Real Role of Dopamine
- The Psychology of Addiction
- False Hunger and Hedonic Hunger
- Engineered and Hyper-Palatable Foods
- The Mechanics of All Addictions
- Summary & Strategies
- A Private Note
Chapter 10 – Informed Eating & Becoming WiSE
- Conclusion
- Informed Eating
- The WiSE Acronym
- Dietary Directions
- Food Choice Hierarchy
- Break-Fast Meal Ideas
Knowledge is power!!
Get your copy of The Science of Weight Loss right here.
(Purchase includes kindle, mobi, and printable PDF format)