Meet our Herbie of the Week: Kayla!
After going plant-based for her health, Kayla's sugar addiction was slowly taking over -- causing her to be irritable, anxious and powerless. Earlier this year, she decided enough was enough, and that her addiction was not going to control her life.
With the help of the meal plans (and the Meal Mentor community), Kayla now has her sugar addiction under control, not to mention she's down 10lbs, has more energy and feels amazing!
I'll let Kayla take it away...
Ever since I was a teenager, I was always fascinated by the human body. When I got the Seventeen magazine subscription for my 16th birthday, I always looked forward to reading the nutrition/fitness part. But, it didn't really show, until my mom really got into fitness and lost a lot of weight back in 2011.
At 18, I decided to go vegetarian. At around 20/21 years old, I decided to then go vegan. My church showed " Forks Over Knives " and that did me in, to go vegan, mainly for my health, my dad also went vegetarian. It took some time, but I was finally able to eliminate everything. It's by far, the best decision I had ever made. I started using Happy Herbivore cookbooks, reading books ( Engine 2 Diet , Skinny Bitch , The China Study , etc.) to watching documentaries to gain even more knowledge. I still have slip ups from time to time, but it's VERY rare and I regret it later when I do. I also remind myself, "Progress Not Perfection", as Lindsay would say. I finally dove in and started using the meal plans . I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
This year, for my first time ever, I went public about my sugar addiction. I poured out, asking for help, praying, hoping, and wishing that I just had control. Sugar has ALWAYS been my love and I finally saw, that I was weak, it was taking me over. I'd use excuses to bake stuff for others, just so I could enjoy the batter, the chocolate chips, the sweetness. I'd eat on it so much, I'd make myself sick, I'd get upset if someone came in the kitchen while I was making a treat so they wouldn't see me enjoy the batter, I threw away I don't know how much sweets because of feeling guilty. I'd also move the treats from one plate to another to enjoy the crumbs or break off pieces and then make it look like I didn't eat any. It was horrible! I'd also go on no sweets challenges in the past, it still didn't help. The over doing it on sweets was also making me irritable, my anxiety was slowly coming back, and I was feeling more powerless. I even threw out sugar to keep out of my house, but, instead, I'd just go buy some more.
I felt like a hamster on a wheel, it was the same routine all the time. But, I noticed, the more I stuck to the meals, the less I craved the junk. I also remembered, that my life is getting busier, and I need to be in good health to conquer each busy day. I also, plan to help more people, teach fitness classes, and get more certifications, including another certification in nutrition. I think, "How can I teach to be healthy, when I'm enjoying sugar?" The meals, the Herbie community, and God have really brought me through.
The thing is, no matter the addiction you're going through, you WILL get through it! Just stay consistent and remember, this lifestyle is about "Not adding days to your life, but adding life to your days".
In August, I made a batch of cookies for someone, and I didn't enjoy one bite. Because, I really wanted to give them something from the heart, and not use it as an excuse to think about me and to fill the addiction's wants. I've also been sticking more and more to the meal plans, almost down 10lbs, more energy, feel healthier, and feel downright amazing! I now know, an addict will always be an addict, they just have to learn to control it. And you know what? For the first time ever, it feels like it's under control more than it has ever been. :)
Thank you so much Kayla for sharing your story with us!