The Happy Herbivore Guide To Plant-Based Living Releases! (My New Book!)

Posted by:Lindsay S. Nixon Category: Press

My newest book, The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living has arrived!

After writing five cookbooks , I looked around to see what I’d left uncovered... what was left? I'd covered it all, hadn't I?

The answer finally came to me and it couldn’t have been more obvious. Day in and day out you send me dozens of questions via email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I also kept getting the same questions over and over but couldn’t figure out why .

Then it hit me: My cookbooks weren’t answering the most basic question:

How to live the happy herbivore lifestyle I was encouraging.

Being a happy herbivore and following a plant-based diet extends far beyond what you’re cooking next.

The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living literally answers every question you'll ever have about being plant-based, eating healthy, protecting your health, loving the environment, traveling, camping, dealing with social situations, weddings, jerky relatives, and so forth.

Basically, I wrote the book I wish I had when I went plant-based. That whole year -- the first three years, really, were filled with so many weird questions. I so wish I'd have had this book to turn to for answers.

So what are you waiting for?

Get your digital copy today!

**Note: You don't need an actual "Kindle" to enjoy the book. Download the FREE Kindle app to read it on your computer, iPad, iPhone, or other device. (Details and links to apps here ).

You can also order the Guide for the Nook and in iBooks.

An audible version (read by moi!) is on the way soon!

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